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Louis Yudowitz

Profile picture of Louis Yudowitz



Lindstedtvägen 25

About me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in mathematics and a member of the Differential Geometry & General Relativity group here at KTH. I received my PhD from Queen Mary University of London in 2023 and have also previously studied at the University of Warwick and King's College London.

My research primarily focuses on geometric evolution equations such as Ricci flow (which was the subject of my PhD thesis) and special geometric objects such as Einstein manifolds.  So far, I have studied the behavior of heat equations on manifolds evolving by Ricci flow, as well as sequences of certain self-similarly shrinking solutions of Ricci flow which form "orbifold singularities" in the limit. I am currently interested in the dynamical stability of certain classes of manifolds under Ricci flow, as well as the uniqueness of forward extensions of Ricci flows.


Calculus in Several Variable (SF1686), assistant | Course web

Degree Project in Mathematical Statistics, Second Cycle (SF290X), teacher | Course web