Zisheng Song
About me
I completed my doctoral degree at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, in 2022, with my doctoral dissertation titled "Rental Housing Market in Chinese Megacities: Heterogeneity, Mobility, and Interconnectivity." As a principal participant, I contributed to the NSFC-STINT Sweden-China Mobility Project titled "The Fairness and Efficiency of the Rental Housing Market: Towards Sustainable Urban Development." Since July 2022, I have been working as a postdoc researcher on the project titled "City Change and Renewal: The Effects of Urban Interventions," funded by the Lars Erik Lundberg Foundation in Sweden. My current research interests include housing economics, urban economics, residential migration, climate risk in real estate, etc.
PUBLICATIONS (* denotes the corresponding author)
[1] Zisheng Song* and Yidong Wu (2022). Effects of residential push-pull on tenants’ intention to relocate from larger megacities: Evidence from a Beijing, China survey.Habitat International. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2022.102663.
[2] Zisheng Song* (2022). The Capitalization of School Quality in Rents in the Beijing Housing Market: A Propensity Score Matching Method.Buildings. 12(4):485. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12040485.
[3] Zisheng Song*, Mats Wilhelmsson, and Zan Yang (2022). Constructing segmented rental housing indices: Evidence from Beijing, China.Property Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/PM-07-2021-0052.
[4] Haiyong Zhang, Zisheng Song*, and Zhuo Chen (2024). An Approach for Constructing Spatially Dependent Pseudo Repeat-sales Housing Price Indices in China.Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-024-10161-2.
[5] Baiying Fang, Yingkui Zhang*, Zisheng Song*, Feiyu Ren, Xiaomeng Xu, Yan Zhang (2022). Effects of enterprises' internal controls on the Total Factors Productivity (TFP): a moderating effect of economic policies' uncertainty.Journal of Data, Information. and Management. 4, 185–195. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42488-022-00073-7.
[6] Liping Yang, Yigang Zhao, Xiaxia Niu, Zisheng Song, Qingxian Gao*, Jun Wu* (2021). Municipal Solid Waste Forecasting in China based on Machine Learning Model. Frontiers in Energy Research, https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2021.763977.
[7] Wu, Yidong, Yanbo Wu, Yalin Zhang, Xianzhu Wang, and Zisheng Song (2022). "The Effect of Building Electricity Consumption on Residents’ Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from China".Buildings. 12, no. 6: 710. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12060710.
[8] Wang, Yuan, Liping Yang, Jun Wu, Zisheng Song, and Li Shi (2022). "Mining Campus Big Data: Prediction of Career Choice Using Interpretable Machine Learning Method".Mathematics. 10, no. 8: 1289. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10081289.
[1] Aoyu Hou, Zisheng Song*, and Eddie Chi-Man HUI (2024). Does interstate migration alter U.S. state-level income inequality? A paired origin-destination perspective. Under Review in Habitat International.
[2] Mingzhi Hu, Jun Xie, and Zisheng Song* (2024). Entrepreneurship and Local Citizenship Identification among Migrants: Evidence from China. Under Review in Cities.
[3] Yidong Wu, Zhenguo Lin, and Zisheng Song* (2024). The Effect of China’s HPF program on Housing and Housing Wealth Equality. Submitted to Real Estate Economics.
[4] Mingzhi Hu, Yingjun Du, Dingpei Hu, and Zisheng Song* (2024). Empowering Women through Digitalization: An Analysis of the Digital Economy's Effect on Gender Gaps in Employment. Submitted to Government Information Quarterly.
- Supervisor: AI206X Master Degree Project in Building and Real Estate Economics (30 points, second cycle)
- Lecturer: AI2127 Management and Leadership (7.5 points, second cycle); AI2102 Real Estate Market Analysis and Development (7.5 points, second cycle)
- Guest Lecturer: AI2106 Business cycles in construction and real estate market (7.5 points, second cycle)
- Teaching Assistant: AI2156 Contract Theory with Application to Property Management (7.5 points, second cycle)
- Pedagogical Trainee: LH231V Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (7.5 points)
Cities, Habitat International, Land Use Policy, Telecommunication Policy, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, Buildings, Land, Growth and Change, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, International Review of Economics and Finance, Housing, Theory and Society, Housing Studies, etc.
The paper titled "An Approach for Constructing Spatially Dependent Pseudo Repeat-sales Housing Price Indices in China" was awarded the Third Prize at the 2024 China Real Estate Association Annual Conference, issued by the China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents (CIREA)
Management and Leadership (AI2127), teacher | Course web
Real Estate Market Analysis and Development (AI2102), teacher | Course web