Today during the lab, we had an issue about the sbatch options. When we copied sbatch arguments from the PDF file or from sbatch template file to the console and run the following command:

sbatch –A g2012230 –t 2:00:00 –p node –n 8 --res=g2012230_1 –o my_job_name.out

We got an error:

sbatch: error: Unable to open file –A

Then it turned out that, in the Lab manual (and also in the file) en-dash sign (–) precedes the options such as A, t and n instead of the usual hyphen/minus sign (-). Since –A is not same as -A, sbatch thinks that –A is the filename, not an option.

So, it would be nice to raplace all these en-dash characters in the PDF and sbatch template with the hyphen/minus character.