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Statistics for High-Throughput Experiments

We have replaced the traditional lecture on statistics of high-throughput data with a video lecture, as well as a questions and answers lecture.

Some parts of the video lecture are based on the reasoning in Storey&Tibshirani, which is mandatory reading for the lecture, just as well studied side-by-side with the lecture.

You will have to study this material before the first computer exercise, as that exercise will deal with FDR and q-value estimation. We would hence require you to send an e-mail to Lukas Käll at least before Saturday 23/1 21:00:

  1. Descriptions of three concepts we list in the video lecture, selected according to your own preference. Each concept should be described in one or two sentences.
  2. At least two questions about the content in the lecture that you would like us to discuss at the question and answer lecture.