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I Nyhetsflödet hittar du uppdateringar på sidor, schema och inlägg från lärare (när de även behöver nå tidigare registrerade studenter).

Maj 2016
HT 2015 mvk15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 27 augusti 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 3 november 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 7 april 2016


Tisdag 10 maj 2016 kl 102:00 - 127:00


Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 1 maj 2016

Overall layout¶

The projects will be presented in groups of five/hour + demo session. Each presentation is 8 min + context switch. At the end of each session, the five presented projects show their demos simultaneously in the area at the front or in the hall for 15 mins. Everyone in the audience is invited to interact, ask questions and discuss.¶

All in all there will be four sessions. There will be some kind of refreshments available during every demo session.¶

Schedule May 10¶

Preparations for the students¶

1. Description for the event programme¶

Send a text to Björn Thuresson thure@kth.se describing your project, no later than Friday May 6, 12.00. It should be an efficient presentation of your process and results, written in an attractive and engaging manner in 2000 characters (incl spaces).¶

Send in 1-3 pictures and/or illustrations representing your project, the activities or the results, preferably in at least 150 dpi.¶

2. The presentation¶

You have 8 mins to present your project. This is your opportunity to make yourself and your project justice. Use it well! You use the mins you believe is the best way to represent your project. There’s nothing you have to present, choose the parts you think are the strongest and the one’s you’re the most proud of. Remember that the audience is mixed and they, typically, know very little about your area. You’re the experts in the room! That means that you’ll have to give a background to the area, the challenges, the target groups, the use situations, etc. Also, after your presentation you’ll show the hands-on demo, so choose wisely what to present and what to refer to the demo.¶

Be confident in your presentation. Do not make unsupported statements. You can motivate all the choices – be sure to do that! It’s a matter of credibility. You are the experts but you need to show that. We believe you if you give us reasons to do that.¶

In F1 there are two projectors (possibility to have different sources), a document camera, sound and microphones. What are you going to use? How are you going to test it? There’s very little time for context switch, so make sure you prepare. You could choose to use the same computer for all five projects in your session (contact them and test) or you could use Björn’s computer (contact him) or you could use your own equipment (remember to test).¶

3. The demo and Q&A¶

At the end of each session (15 mins) all of the audience are welcome to try your hands-on demos, ask you questions and discuss. You set up all five project’s demos in the area at the front or somewhere else in the room. Make sure you prepare the demo to work well as a public demo. What are you going to say? Which technology do you need? Any print material (poster, logos, hand-outs)? What type of questions can you expect? Etc.¶

 4. Invitations¶

This is your afternoon. Invite as many as you want, particularly the people involved (the client, user groups etc) but also others you would like to show what you’ve worked on (friends, family, future employers etc).¶

Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 1 maj 2016

Overall layout

The projects will be presented in groups of five/hour + demo session. Each presentation is 8 min + context switch. At the end of each session, the five presented projects show their demos simultaneously in the area at the front or in the hall for 15 mins. Everyone in the audience is invited to interact, ask questions and discuss.

All in all there will be four sessions. There will be some kind of refreshments available during every demo session.

Schedule May 10

Preparations for the students

1. Description for the event programme

Send a text to Björn Thuresson thure@kth.se describing your project, no later than Friday May 6, 12.00. It should be an efficient presentation of your process and results, written in an attractive and engaging manner in 2000 characters (incl spaces).

Send in 1-3 pictures and/or illustrations representing your project, the activities or the results, preferably in at least 150 dpi.

Also, send in the base facts: Name of your project group, title of the project (as you now refer to it), your client's full name, and your contact information (name, mail or phone).¶

2. The presentation

You have 8 mins to present your project. This is your opportunity to make yourself and your project justice. Use it well! You use the mins you believe is the best way to represent your project. There’s nothing you have to present, choose the parts you think are the strongest and the one’s you’re the most proud of. Remember that the audience is mixed and they, typically, know very little about your area. You’re the experts in the room! That means that you’ll have to give a background to the area, the challenges, the target groups, the use situations, etc. Also, after your presentation you’ll show the hands-on demo, so choose wisely what to present and what to refer to the demo.

Be confident in your presentation. Do not make unsupported statements. You can motivate all the choices – be sure to do that! It’s a matter of credibility. You are the experts but you need to show that. We believe you if you give us reasons to do that.

In F1 there are two projectors (possibility to have different sources), a document camera, sound and microphones. What are you going to use? How are you going to test it? There’s very little time for context switch, so make sure you prepare. You could choose to use the same computer for all five projects in your session (contact them and test) or you could use Björn’s computer (contact him) or you could use your own equipment (remember to test).

3. The demo and Q&A

At the end of each session (15 mins) all of the audience are welcome to try your hands-on demos, ask you questions and discuss. You set up all five project’s demos in the area at the front or somewhere else in the room. Make sure you prepare the demo to work well as a public demo. What are you going to say? Which technology do you need? Any print material (poster, logos, hand-outs)? What type of questions can you expect? Etc.

 4. Invitations

This is your afternoon. Invite as many as you want, particularly the people involved (the client, user groups etc) but also others you would like to show what you’ve worked on (friends, family, future employers etc).

Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 10 maj 2016

Here is the final programme (in a not optimized pdf...). There are a few changes, but all the involved have been informed.¶

Overall layout

The projects will be presented in groups of five/hour + demo session. Each presentation is 8 min + context switch. At the end of each session, the five presented projects show their demos simultaneously in the area at the front or in the hall for 15 mins. Everyone in the audience is invited to interact, ask questions and discuss.

All in all there will be four sessions. There will be some kind of refreshments available during every demo session.

Schedule May 10

Preparations for the students

1. Description for the event programme

Send a text to Björn Thuresson thure@kth.se describing your project, no later than Friday May 6, 12.00. It should be an efficient presentation of your process and results, written in an attractive and engaging manner in 2000 characters (incl spaces).

Send in 1-3 pictures and/or illustrations representing your project, the activities or the results, preferably in at least 150 dpi.

Also, send in the base facts: Name of your project group, title of the project (as you now refer to it), your client's full name, and your contact information (name, mail or phone).

2. The presentation

You have 8 mins to present your project. This is your opportunity to make yourself and your project justice. Use it well! You use the mins you believe is the best way to represent your project. There’s nothing you have to present, choose the parts you think are the strongest and the one’s you’re the most proud of. Remember that the audience is mixed and they, typically, know very little about your area. You’re the experts in the room! That means that you’ll have to give a background to the area, the challenges, the target groups, the use situations, etc. Also, after your presentation you’ll show the hands-on demo, so choose wisely what to present and what to refer to the demo.

Be confident in your presentation. Do not make unsupported statements. You can motivate all the choices – be sure to do that! It’s a matter of credibility. You are the experts but you need to show that. We believe you if you give us reasons to do that.

In F1 there are two projectors (possibility to have different sources), a document camera, sound and microphones. What are you going to use? How are you going to test it? There’s very little time for context switch, so make sure you prepare. You could choose to use the same computer for all five projects in your session (contact them and test) or you could use Björn’s computer (contact him) or you could use your own equipment (remember to test).

3. The demo and Q&A

At the end of each session (15 mins) all of the audience are welcome to try your hands-on demos, ask you questions and discuss. You set up all five project’s demos in the area at the front or somewhere else in the room. Make sure you prepare the demo to work well as a public demo. What are you going to say? Which technology do you need? Any print material (poster, logos, hand-outs)? What type of questions can you expect? Etc.

 4. Invitations

This is your afternoon. Invite as many as you want, particularly the people involved (the client, user groups etc) but also others you would like to show what you’ve worked on (friends, family, future employers etc).

Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 10 maj 2016

Here is the final programme (in a not optimized pdf...). There are a few changes, but all the involved have been informed.

Overall layout

The projects will be presented in groups of five/hour + demo session. Each presentation is 8 min + context switch. At the end of each session, the five presented projects show their demos simultaneously in the area at the front or in the hall for 15 mins. Everyone in the audience is invited to interact, ask questions and discuss.

All in all there will be four sessions. There will be some kind of refreshments available during every demo session.

Schedule May 10

Preparations for the students

1. Description for the event programme

Send a text to Björn Thuresson thure@kth.se describing your project, no later than Friday May 6, 12.00. It should be an efficient presentation of your process and results, written in an attractive and engaging manner in 2000 characters (incl spaces).

Send in 1-3 pictures and/or illustrations representing your project, the activities or the results, preferably in at least 150 dpi.

Also, send in the base facts: Name of your project group, title of the project (as you now refer to it), your client's full name, and your contact information (name, mail or phone).

2. The presentation

You have 8 mins to present your project. This is your opportunity to make yourself and your project justice. Use it well! You use the mins you believe is the best way to represent your project. There’s nothing you have to present, choose the parts you think are the strongest and the one’s you’re the most proud of. Remember that the audience is mixed and they, typically, know very little about your area. You’re the experts in the room! That means that you’ll have to give a background to the area, the challenges, the target groups, the use situations, etc. Also, after your presentation you’ll show the hands-on demo, so choose wisely what to present and what to refer to the demo.

Be confident in your presentation. Do not make unsupported statements. You can motivate all the choices – be sure to do that! It’s a matter of credibility. You are the experts but you need to show that. We believe you if you give us reasons to do that.

In F1 there are two projectors (possibility to have different sources), a document camera, sound and microphones. What are you going to use? How are you going to test it? There’s very little time for context switch, so make sure you prepare. You could choose to use the same computer for all five projects in your session (contact them and test) or you could use Björn’s computer (contact him) or you could use your own equipment (remember to test).

3. The demo and Q&A

At the end of each session (15 mins) all of the audience are welcome to try your hands-on demos, ask you questions and discuss. You set up all five project’s demos in the area at the front or somewhere else in the room. Make sure you prepare the demo to work well as a public demo. What are you going to say? Which technology do you need? Any print material (poster, logos, hand-outs)? What type of questions can you expect? Etc.

 4. Invitations

This is your afternoon. Invite as many as you want, particularly the people involved (the client, user groups etc) but also others you would like to show what you’ve worked on (friends, family, future employers etc).

Mars 2016
HT 2015 mvk15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 27 augusti 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 3 november 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 23 mars 2016


HT 2015 mvk15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 27 augusti 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 3 november 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 28 januari 2016

D2, E2, F1

Schemahandläggare redigerade 22 mars 2016

D2, E2, F1F2

Schemahandläggare redigerade 23 mars 2016

F2D2, E2, F1

Schemahandläggare redigerade 23 mars 2016

D2, E2, F12

HT 2015 mvk15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 27 augusti 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 3 november 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 22 mars 2016


Februari 2016
HT 2015 mvk15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 27 augusti 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 3 november 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 28 januari 2016

Q1B3, Q1, Q36

kommenterade 29 januari 2016

Is there some guideline for the length of the presentation of the project?

kommenterade 1 februari 2016


Här finns generella instruktioner för alla presentations: "about 5 minutes + 2-3 minutes for questions".