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Version skapad av Patric Jensfelt 2016-08-16 00:15

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This course gives a broad overview of the problems and methods studied in the field of artificial intelligence.

Please respect the code of honour.

Intended learning outcomes

After completing this course the student should be able to

  1. recall and apply basic concepts in artificial intelligence
  2. solve problems from the AI domain
  3. demonstrate an insight into the risks of AI and its role in society
  4. present work 

so that the student can

  • make use of methods from artificial intelligence in the analysis, design and implementation of computer programs in academic as well as industrial applications

  • in an appropriate way present results and solutions.

Teaching team 

  • Lecturers 
  • Teaching assistants (TA)
    • Judith Bütepage
    • Joao Carvalho
    • Michele Colledanchise
    • Nadine Drollinger
    • Alexandros Filotheou
    • Fabian Schilling
    • Anastasiia Varava
    • Michele Welle

Examination overview

The examination consists of completing quizzes (individual), an essay (individual), two homework assignments (in paris) and an optional projects (in groups of four). 

To receive a passing grade on the course a student needs to pass all quizzes, the essay, the home work assignment (HW1, HW2). The project has to be completed in groups and is optional and for higher grades.

NOTE: All assignments MUST be completed in English 

For all examinations, we use the CSC code of honour.

Assessment tasks

The examination for the course will consist of the following assessment tasks.


We will have quizzes after key lectures to test that the students can apply the basic concepts. For some content in the course this will be the only assessment task and for others it will be a way to stimulate continuous learning and help motivate students to learn a concept before we go deeper in the course, for example, to be prepared for an exercise or assignment. It only require simple calculations and multiple-choice answers.

You can think of the quizzes as a replacement for a written exam which you are able to work on during the whole course.


This requires the students to solve a problem involving uncertain information using HMMs. Students are allowed to work in pairs but you are assessed individually.


This requires students to solve a problem involving algorithms for search and games and design a heuristic function. Students are allowed to work in pairs but you are assessed individually.


Write an essay on ethics connected to the risks of AI and its role in society.


The project is optional.
The project must be performed in groups of four students. The students form groups themselves but you can only do so after you have qualified to start a project. 

Course components

The course has two course components

  • TEN1: Quizzes and Essay

  • PRO1: HW1, HW2, Project (project)

These are both reported into Ladok as P/F. Some additional information about the course components is maintained in CSC’s result reporting system rapp (https://rapp.csc.kth.se/rapp/).

Criteria based grading

We make use of a criteria based grading system. You will not collect points as in most other courses. Instead, to reach a certain grade you should show that you have fulfilled the criteria for that grade. Please look at the page "Grading criteria" for more information.


This course gives a broad overview of the field of AI. The homeworks are intended to give the student a chance to work with the material a bit more hands-on.

There will be 2 homework assignments and they are focused on implementation. Please pay attention to the dates for finishing them as we will be strict with the deadlines! 


The project offers you a chance to practice team work and work on a slightly larger problems that require you to work together. Being able to work in a group is an instrumental skill in most jobs both in academia and industry. You will be required to write a report and make a presentation. 

The project work should be carried out in groups of 4 people. You should form your own groups. 

NOTE: You can only work on the project if you qualify to do so. You need to show us that you are able to complete assignments on time and well enough before we allow you to start the project which is at A level.