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Course content

Learning activities

The course comprises Lectures, Labs and Seminars/Demonstrations organized at KTH main campus and Karolinska Institute, campus Solna.


Timing and location of all events of the Neuroscience course are listed in Schedule DD2401 file on Canvas.

The schedule available at KTH Schedule system and in Course overview of KTH Social may not be completely correct. Please follow the updates on Canvas.

Teacher Alexander Kozlov created page 24 February 2015

Teacher Alexander Kozlov changed the permissions 25 March 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Alexander Kozlov edited 11 May 2015

Learning activities The course comprises Lectures, Labs and Seminars organized at the main campus of the Karolinska Institute, Solna.

Schedule at KI Timing and location of all events of the Neuroscience course VT2015 are listed in a separate PDF file and not present in KTH Schedule system.

NOTE:  Seminars are new for this year and their planning is not solid yet. Check the schedule regularly for possible updates. All changes in the schedule will also be transmitted via News feed.

NOTE: Location for Lab3 on Monday, May 11 10:30-12:00, is changed to auditorium Hillarp, Retzius väg 8.¶

Arvind Kumar edited 29 February 2016

Learning activities The course comprises Lectures, Labs and Seminars organized at theKTH main campus of theand Karolinska Institute, Solna.

Schedule at KI Timing and location of all events of the Neuroscience course VT2015 DD2401 are listed in a separate PDF file and not present in KTH Schedule system.¶ NOTE:  Seminars are new for this year and their planning is not solid yet. The schedule available at KTH Schedule system is not completely correct. Please follow the updates on this page.¶

NOTE:  The schedule for the lab visits at KI will be updated later
. Check the schedule regularly for possible updates. All changes in the schedule will also be transmitted via News feed.

NOTE: Location for Lab3 on Monday, May 11 10:30-12:00, is changed to auditorium Hillarp, Retzius väg 8.¶

Arvind Kumar edited 18 March 2016

Learning activities The course comprises Lectures, Labs and Demonstrations organized at KTH main campus and Karolinska Institute, Solna.

Schedule Timing and location of all events of the Neuroscience course DD2401 are listed in a separate PDF. The schedule available at KTH Schedule system is not completely correct. Please follow the updates on this page.

NOTE:  The schedule for the demonstrations at KI will be updated later. Check the schedule regularly for possible updates. All changes in the schedule will also be transmitted via News feed.