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Här visas ändringar i "Handouts" mellan 2017-01-17 23:05 av Douglas Wikström och 2017-01-20 02:17 av Douglas Wikström.

Visa < föregående | nästa > ändring.


All handouts in the course will be available here. The information given below may be updated during the course, in which case we will ping students with a post.

General Information
* Course description (170117)
* Rules for solving problems and handing in solutions.
* Example of compiled solution set and the corresponding LaTeX source. Note that this is an example that should not be used to typeset any real set of solutions. It is only used to illustrate what is expected from students. There will be a separate template for each homework.

Latex and Running Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine on Windows
* The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX (see also the template above).
* VM Ware Player (free for non-commercial use)
* Download Ubuntu ISO-file
To install Ubuntu in your VM Ware player, start the player, create a new virtual machine, and browse for the ISO-file. All you need to do is enter your name and password, the rest is taken care of by VM Ware player. When this is done you open a browser inside your Ubuntu and download ubuntu.tar.gz from this page. Look inside the scripts and comment out the things you do not want, the script is reasonably well documented.

* Homework I will appear here.
* Homework II will appear here.
Slides From Lectures Lecture slides for all lectures are available below. They will be updated regularly to reflect changes in the course and what is said and covered on the blackboard during lectures. Slides may be added or removed, but slides from given lectures will at most be corrected. It gives a good idea of the course content.

* Lecture slides 170117 (compiled for presentation with step-wise disclosure of items)
* Lecture slides 170117 (compiled to be printed)