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Juli 2015
HT 2015 ljudint15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

Föreläsning3. Sound as information carrier

Physical parameters which can be communicated with sound. Sound producing movements in everyday interaction. ¶

HT 2015 ljudint15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

Föreläsning1. Course introduction

Introduction to the topic of Sound in Interaction with examples. Expectations from students.Introduction to: NaturalPoint motion capture system; sound with portable devices..¶

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

Föreläsning10. Sonic Feedback: interaction, control, design

The importance of control in sound manipulation. The use of sound as feedback in interaction.Lecturer: Roberto Bresin (in collaboration with Davide Rocchesso)¶

Assistent Ludvig Elblaus redigerade 14 september 2015

10. Sonic Feedback: interaction, control, designtudy visit: Working with sounds

The importance of control in sound manipulation. The use of sound as feedback in interaction.Lecturer: Roberto Bresin (in collaboration with Davide Rocchesso)¶ Sound design in films. Study visit at Europa Foley and Adr. Lecturer: Ulf Olausson

HT 2015 ljudint15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
HT 2015 ljudint15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

Föreläsning8. Sound models for interaction

Overview of functioning and properties of sound models suitable in interaction. Lecturer: Roberto Bresin (in collaboration with Davide Rocchesso)¶

HT 2015 ljudint15
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

Föreläsning7. Sound and motion

How sound can influence vision. Sound producing movements in musicians. Sound producing movements in everyday interaction. Lecturer: Roberto Bresin, Kjetil Falkenberg Hansen¶

Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

How sound can influence vision. Sound producing movements in musicians. Sound producing movements in everyday interaction. Lecturer: Roberto Bresin, Kjetil Falkenberg Hansen

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

Föreläsning4. Data representation with sound: Sonification

Sound icons: earcons vs auditory icons. Auditory display of data. ¶

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 24 augusti 2015

ExkursionStudy visit

Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

9. Study visit: Working with sounds

Sound design in films. Study visit at Europa Foley and Adr. Lecturer: Ulf Olausson¶

Assistent Ludvig Elblaus redigerade 14 september 2015

9. Study visit: Working with soundsonic Feedback: interaction, control, design

Sound design in films. Study visit at Europa Foley and Adr. Lecturer: Ulf Olausson¶The importance of control in sound manipulation. The use of sound as feedback in interaction.Lecturer: Roberto Bresin (in collaboration with Davide Rocchesso)¶

Egen sal, 1537, lindstedtsv 3, plan 5

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

Föreläsning11. Sound in therapy applications and limited interaction

Using sound and music in therapeutic settings. Working with constrained interaction. Interfaces for untypical conditions.¶

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 3 juli 2015
Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

FöreläsningSound and interaction in the arts

Overview of the use of sound in interactive installations and art works. ¶

Assistent Roberto Bresin redigerade 30 augusti 2015

6. Sound and interaction in the arts