Study Trip
Study trip
Participation in the study trip is not compulsory. Costs for the study trip are shared between the students and the department. Typically the costs for each student are around 500 – 700 SEK. The cost varies with the flight ticket.
The study trip will take place on Monday - Tuesday, 21-22 November, in Hamburg and Bremen in Germany. Information about registration will be given during the lectures.
General Schedule
This is a preliminary trip schedule, and is subject to changes. The final schedule will be published once we know the exact number of participants and the schedule for the company visits is fixed.
Sunday, Nov 20th:
18.30: We meet at Hamburg main station, McDonald's, then walk together to lane 3 (S-Bahn) and take the train to Bremen together. Make sure that your flight arrives latest at 18.00h in Hamburg airport! Everyone should make it by 18.30h to McDonald's. If not, contact me: +46 (0) 79 33 55 002. My flight is arriving at 18.00h at Hamburg airport, so some of you can join me there already. I have group tickets for groups of 5 to go to Bremen, so it is important that we stick together as a group.
21.00: Check in at Hostel Bremen. Those who come to Bremen directly, please make sure you check in before 21.00h.
Monday, Nov 21st:
07.45: Departure in bus to Bremerhaven, where we will spend the whole day.
09.30 - 10.30: Fraunhofer IWES (blade testing)
10.45 - 11.15: Lecture of Dr. Giese from Senvion at Fraunhofer IWES
11.30 - 13:30: Tour of Senvion production line
13.30 - 14.30: Lunch at Columbus-Center (Mall)
15.00 - 17.00: tbd
17.00: Leaving back to Bremen
18.00: Voluntary social activity: Christmas Market Bremen Old Town. (you will find a statue of the Grimm Stories there)
Tuesday, Nov 22nd:
07.45: Departure in bus to Enercon facilities in Westerholt.
09.45 - 11.15: Nacelle assembly and generation production.
11.30 - 12.30: Blade production.
12.30 - 13.30: Lunch and visit of EEZ.
13.30 - 16.00: Visit of the E-66 wind turbine in Holtriem.
16.00: Leaving to the train station in Bremen to take the train to Hamburg.
18.00: Drop by at Bremen Airport.
18.15: Departure from Bremen train station.
19.45: Check in at Hostel Hamburg.
20.00: Voluntary social activity: Christmas Market St. Petry at Church.
Wednesday, Nov 23rd:
07.00 - 10.00: Breakfast in Hostel Hamburg and individual departure.
10.00: Latest Checkout: bring your bed linen and towels down to ground floor and put them in the designated basket.
Note that:
- Students should pay for the trip to Hamburg or Bremen and be there on time.
- Students should have insurance and valid visa.
- The hostel in Bremen will provide breakfast. Lunch on Tuesday will be provided by Enercon.
- Students should inform the teaching assistants in case they are delayed.
- Only the students enrolled in this course are allowed to participate in the study trip.
Final Registration
The study trip schedule is confirmed to the extent that the dates are fixed. Only the schedule for Monday is to be decided. You may now start booking your flight tickets to/from Hamburg/Bremen.
When you have booked your ticket, please send an email to and include the following information:
- Include a pdf version of your ticket
- Name the option that you have picked, ie. A1,A2,B1 or B2, as in the above figure of the trip schedule.
- Fill out the final registration form
The deadline for the final registration is Oct, 10th 2016, 13:00h.
Waiting List
The first 30 students who registered their interest in the study trip will be given priority and can book their tickets and register until the deadline 1 (Oct, 10th 2016, 13:00h). Please send a short email to if you are already sure that you will not join the study trip.
The deadline 2 for everyone else is on Oct, 20th 2016, 13:00h. All other students that signed up with their interest can book a flight and register until then.
Hostel Addresses
Townside Hostel Bremen GmbH
Geschäftsführerin Melanie Augat-Behrens
Am Dobben 61-62
D-28203 Bremen
Tel. : +49 (0) 421 78 01 5
Fax: +49 (0) 421 70 40 91
A&O Hamburg Hauptbahnhof
Amsinckstr. 2-10 Germany - 20097 Hamburg
+49 40 64 42 104 - 56 00