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Tid: Måndag 7 december 2015 kl 10:00 - 12:00 2015-12-07T10:00:00 2015-12-07T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Plats: D42

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Studentgrupper: TELFM_1, TELPM_2


Submission of report for P8 Heating of water in a microwave oven. Please upload the report before the lecture.

Solution of the project P8: Martin Norgren

Workshop Project Px. Discussion on Step 4 in mathematical modeling: Solve equations

Teacher responsible: Marley Becerra

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 10 mars 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 1 april 2015

[u'TELFM_1', u'TELPM_1', u'TELPM_2']

ändrade rättigheterna 30 april 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Lärare Marley Becerra Garcia redigerade 22 oktober 2015

Submission of report for P8 Heating of water in a microwave oven¶

Solution of the project P8: Martin Norgren¶

Workshop Project Px. Discussion on Step 3 in mathematical modeling: formulate equations¶

Teacher responsible: Marley Becerra¶

Lärare Marley Becerra Garcia redigerade 22 oktober 2015

Submission of report for P8 Heating of water in a microwave oven. Please upload the report before the lecture.

Solution of the project P8: Martin Norgren

Workshop Project Px. Discussion on Step 3 in mathematical modeling: formulate equations

Teacher responsible: Marley Becerra

Lärare Marley Becerra Garcia redigerade 22 oktober 2015


Lärare Marley Becerra Garcia redigerade 22 oktober 2015


Lärare Marley Becerra Garcia redigerade 23 oktober 2015

Submission of report for P8 Heating of water in a microwave oven. Please upload the report before the lecture.

Solution of the project P8: Martin Norgren

Workshop Project Px. Discussion on Step 34 in mathematical modeling: formulate Solve equations

Teacher responsible: Marley Becerra

Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2015-11-13 03:22

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.