Summer school on IoT

EIT Digital is organizing summer schools for the students in the EIT Digital master programs. One of these summer schools is in the Stockholm area, and focuses on Internet of Things. The school can admit 5 local students. Students completing the course get 4 credits (has to be within your 120)

Information about the summer school is here:

Local KTH students:
- will participate during the day time activities, get food etc., however do  not receive free accommodation
- the summer school is out in Bosön, and it is possible to get there from Stockholm in the mornings; if local students would like to stay for the nights, they need to pay for their accommodation

How to apply:
- send CV, transcripts (bsc and KTH), max one page motivation letter to Viktoria Fodor (
- deadline: April 30.

- based on grades from related courses and motivation letter
- decision shortly after the application deadline

With questions, contact Viktoria Fodor.