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Information about the course

Håkan Kullvén skapade sidan 13 juni 2011

Håkan Kullvén redigerade 24 augusti 2011

Håkan Kullvén redigerade 25 augusti 2011

... An annual report for the course will be put here, when I have chosen a company for this. ... During the lectures, the company Atlas Copco will be used as an example for different models and such. You will receive their ...

Håkan Kullvén redigerade 29 augusti 2011

Håkan Kullvén redigerade 2 september 2011

kommenterade 3 september 2011

Dear Hakan 

1. About choice of compnay , i have come to a settlement with other student and we are going to divide VOLVO , I will go for VOLVO CAR and she probably will go for VOLVO TRUCKS.

2. I am registered in  Master in Production Engineering & Managment, Course MG 2029 . reference to your discussion on friday with one of my colleage , he told me that we need not to register for ME 1000, as this is the extension of MG 2029 ,Production Engineering - Planning and Control.


Faheem Khan

kommenterade 3 september 2011

Dear Håkan,

I am the student who choosed the VOLVO firstly. But I want to change the company because  Faheem Ullah wants to choose VOLVO, and after thinking I find another company--Lenovo that I know better than VOLVO trucks. So I want to change the company, and I'll leave the change information on the Chosen companies page.

Lärare kommenterade 3 september 2011

Dear Faheem: Sorry, you are right, I remember that now.

Dear Xi: OK, I change that

Lärare kommenterade 3 september 2011

Dear Xin: Lenovo has been taken by another student (see the list), so you have to choose another company. I put Volvo trucks on you so far.

kommenterade 4 september 2011

Dear Håkan:

It doesn't matter. So I come back to my choice as I 've descussed with Faheem.

I choose the “Volvo Group" (products as trucks, buses, construction equipment, engines and drive systems),  and he chooses the " VolvoCars".  Thank you!

Håkan Kullvén redigerade 20 september 2011

Here you can find general information about the course.¶ The syllabus for year 2011 can be found here.¶ During the lectures, the company Atlas Copco will be used as an example for different models and such. You will receive their ...