Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


Time: Tuesday 11 March 2014 at 08:00 - 13:00 2014-03-11T08:00:00 2014-03-11T13:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
Applied Thermodynamics (MJ1112)

Location: M23, M24, M31, M35, M36

Activity: Re-exam

Student groups: CENMI_2, CLGYM_TEMI_3

Details (TimeEdit): Omtenta även för 4A1112

Scheduling staff created event 18 December 2013
Scheduling staff removed the event 13 January 2014

Scheduling staff restored the event from the trash can. 14 January 2014

changed the permissions 15 January 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Scheduling staff edited 3 March 2014

M23, M24, M31, M35, M36

Accessible to the whole world.

Last changed 2014-03-03 11:31

Tags: None so far.