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Här visas ändringar i "Text book" mellan 2015-11-01 08:28 av Mats Boij och 2015-11-01 08:45 av Mats Boij.

Text book

Calculus, a complete course, av Adams och Essex. 8th upplagan. On sale for example at kårbokhandeln. The same text book is also used in the course SF1626 Calculus in several variables. Information about exactly what chapters are covered in this course is given on the page Course content.

Adams Calculus

The following chapters of the text book Calculus are covered in the course:

Nedanstående kapitel i kursboken Calculus ingår:

* Chapter 10 about veckors and coordinates in three-space (sections 10.1 and 10.6)
* Chapter 11 om about vector values functions and curves (sections 11.1-11.3)
* Chapter 12 about partial derivatives (sections 12.1-12.9)
* Chapter 13 about applications of partial derivatives (sections 13.1-13.4)
* Chapter 14 about multiple integrals (sections 14.1-14.7)
* Chapter 15 about vector fields (sections 15.1-15.6)
* Chapter 16 about vector analysis (sections 16.1-16.5)
Not everythis equally imposant (look at the course goals in the syllabus and on the page Recommended exerciPlan of the courses för en detaljerad planering).