Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


Tid: Onsdag 16 januari 2013 kl 10:00 - 12:00 2013-01-16T10:00:00 2013-01-16T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
VT 2013

Plats: FB51

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Lärare: Tommy Ohlsson ()

Studentgrupper: TTFYM1SUB, TTFYM1TEO

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 27 september 2012
Schemahandläggare redigerade 13 november 2012


Egna salar

Lärare kommenterade 10 januari 2013

This is the first lecture (out of 18) in Relativistic Quantum Physics! Before the lecture, you should refresh chapter 1 in Mickelsson, Ohlsson & Snellman, Relativity Theory, KTH (2005) or some similar material on special relativity theory. The course book will be Tommy Ohlsson, Relativistic Quantum Physics - From Advanced Quantum Mechanics to Introductory Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press (2011). Welcome to the course!

kommenterade 18 januari 2013

hej! I couldn't make it to the first two lectures. I noticed the homework sets on the course webpage. If I click on the homework sets, the links are dead though. Is this intended?

Lärare kommenterade 18 januari 2013

Dear Sebastian,

You can still come to the third lecture, since you need to sign up for the course. Yes, it is indented, the homework problem sets will be distributed according to the schedule given on the homepage of the course: http://courses.theophys.kth.se/SI2390/



kommenterade 18 januari 2013

thank you for the info! I'll be there on Monday.

Schemahandläggare redigerade 31 augusti 2013


Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013


Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2013-09-14 01:04

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.