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Lunchseminarium: Publish for impact: Guidance for publishing. A special seminar in English for researchers and PhD students

Tid: Torsdag 21 november 2013 kl 12:15 - 13:00 2013-11-21T12:15:00 2013-11-21T13:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
Akademiskt resurscentrum (ARC)

Plats: ARC KTH Biblioteket


Are you planning a research career? In that case you might want to learn about how your publications are evaluated by the use of bibliometrics. The seminar is led by Peter Sjögårde, KTH Library.

Early participants will be offered a sandwich.


Administratör Lena Hurtig skapade händelsen 26 juni 2013

Lena Hurtig taggade med lunchseminarium. 26 juni 2013

Administratör Lena Hurtig ändrade rättigheterna 26 juni 2013

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lena hurtig (lhurtig@kth.se).
Administratör Richard Nordberg redigerade 18 oktober 2013

Are you planning a research career? In that case you might want to learn about how your publications are evaluated by the use of bibliometrics.¶

Administratör Richard Nordberg redigerade 18 oktober 2013

Tisdag 22 oktober 2013 kl 12:0015 - 13:00

Administratör Richard Nordberg redigerade 18 oktober 2013

Are you planning a research career? In that case you might want to learn about how your publications are evaluated by the use of bibliometrics. The seminar is led by Peter Sjögårde, KTH Library.

Administratör Richard Nordberg redigerade 30 oktober 2013

Tiorsdag 22 okto1 november 2013 kl 12:15 - 13:00

Are you planning a research career? In that case you might want to learn about how your publications are evaluated by the use of bibliometrics. The seminar is led by Peter Sjögårde, KTH Library.

Early participants will be offered a sandwich.¶
