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The professional role in a labour market in transformation

Tid: Torsdag 26 mars 2015 kl 12:15 - 13:00 2015-03-26T12:15:00 2015-03-26T13:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
Career development for master students

Plats: SöG, KTHB

  • The role of an engineer of today.
  • How do I motivate that this is the right professional role for me and that I am the right person for the job?
  • How to write a CV and cover letter and describe education and work experience
Administratör Elin Fellers skapade händelsen 8 januari 2015
Administratör Josephine Häckner Posse redigerade 19 mars 2015

* The role of an engineer of today.
* How do I motivate that this is the right professional role for me and that I am the right person for the job?
* How to write a CV and cover letter and describe education and work experience

Administratör Elin Fellers ställde in händelsen 19 mars 2015

Administratör Elin Fellers ändrade rättigheterna 19 mars 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av elin fellers (efellers@kth.se).

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2015-03-19 14:08

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.