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December 2014
Administratör Charlie Gullström skrev inlägget 2 december 2014
Oktober 2014
Administratör Charlie Gullström skrev inlägget 27 augusti 2014
Administratör kommenterade 29 augusti 2014


Administratör Charlie Gullström ändrade rättigheterna 3 oktober 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av charlie gullström hughes (charlieg@kth.se).
Administratör Charlie Gullström korrigerade 3 oktober 2014

Succesful test yesterday! A browser-based mediated shared space between 3 people (in different locations)!

Happy smiles below from Nicklas, Leif and Jimmy on Times Square! Really they are in three different places in Luleå and Stockholm..and it worked nicely! Good job guys!


Administratör Charlie Gullström skrev inlägget 3 oktober 2014

Administratör Charlie Gullström ändrade rättigheterna 3 oktober 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av charlie gullström hughes (charlieg@kth.se).
Administratör Charlie Gullström skrev inlägget 29 augusti 2014
Administratör Charlie Gullström korrigerade 29 augusti 2014

Below a photo from the livestream prototype with greenscreens: Leif, Bobby and Charlie are now in three different locations! Still on Times Square... (perhaps it looks like a crazy dance, filmclips will describes this in a better way soon)!...see furhter below.¶


Here is a filmclip where we were 2 people pretending to collaborate on Times Square¶

However still in two different rooms in our lab in Stockholm.


Administratör Charlie Gullström ändrade rättigheterna 3 oktober 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av charlie gullström hughes (charlieg@kth.se).
Administratör Charlie Gullström korrigerade 3 oktober 2014

Below a photo from the livestream prototype with greenscreens: Leif, Bobby and Charlie are now in three different locations! Still on Times Square... (perhaps it looks like a crazy dance, a filmclip describes this in a better way...see furhter below.


Here is a filmclip  where we were 2 people pretending to collaborate on Times Square¶ However still in two different rooms in our lab in Stockholm. explain how it all works¶


Augusti 2014
Administratör Charlie Gullström skrev inlägget 14 augusti 2014
Administratör Charlie Gullström korrigerade 14 augusti 2014

What's the Matter? ENHSA Conference, Barcelona 4-7 September 2014.: Charlie Gullström and Pablo Miranda Carranza will both present papers at ther conference.


Charlie's paper is entitled Furnishing the Fun Palace – with new digital design materials. Here is an extract: 

What emerges from our design-led research is also a digital toolbox of new design materials to furnish interiors and create architectural space. These are e.g. augmented textile surfaces and soft walls that can transform and react in response to (local or remote) movement or touch; and instant acoustic dividers that suddenly appear from thin air, and partitions your space, created by a combination of projected video streams and sound design. Once complete, our system will support a wide spectrum of mediating presence, for example allowing users to control a building, in ways not dissimilar to the original ideas of the Fun Palace, conceived in the early 1960s by architect Cedric Price, Joan Littlewood, Gordon Pask and others. (...) The purpose of this paper is precisely to discuss how the digital design materials we are exploring today, in light of the materiality sought by Price et al. Could our mediated spaces, created from integration of virtual, mixed and augmented reality and enabled web-based and modular technologies (HTML5, WebRTC, WebGL and Arduino servos, Kinects, iBeacons and various other accessible, low-cost, web-based sensors, actuators, cameras and projectors) contribute fruitful interiors to a Fun Palace?

Administratör Charlie Gullström ändrade rättigheterna 14 augusti 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av charlie gullström hughes (charlieg@kth.se).
Administratör Charlie Gullström korrigerade 14 augusti 2014

What's the Matter? ENHSA Conference, Barcelona 4-7 September 2014: Charlie Gullström and Pablo Miranda Carranza will both present papers at the conference.


Charlie's paper is entitled Furnishing the Fun Palace – with new digital design materials. Here is an extract: 

What emerges from our design-led research is also a digital toolbox of new design materials to furnish interiors and create architectural space. These are e.g. augmented textile surfaces and soft walls that can transform and react in response to (local or remote) movement or touch; and instant acoustic dividers that suddenly appear from thin air, and partitions your space, created by a combination of projected video streams and sound design. Once complete, our system will support a wide spectrum of mediating presence, for example allowing users to control a building, in ways not dissimilar to the original ideas of the Fun Palace, conceived in the early 1960s by architect Cedric Price, Joan Littlewood, Gordon Pask and others. (...) The purpose of this paper is precisely to discuss how the digital design materials we are exploring today, in light of the materiality sought by Price et al. Could our mediated spaces, created from integration of virtual, mixed and augmented reality and enabled web-based and modular technologies (HTML5, WebRTC, WebGL and Arduino servos, Kinects, iBeacons and various other accessible, low-cost, web-based sensors, actuators, cameras and projectors) contribute fruitful interiors to a Fun Palace?