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Version skapad av Jens Tinglev 2012-09-04 09:56

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About Web Search

Try the new search service here!

Why do we need this?

Although the current search solution at KTH is good, we still felt that it lacked in certain areas. With more and more information being migrated to KTH Social, and much of this information being visible only by certain, logged in, users, we had to find a smart way to incorporate all of this data in the main website search experience.

Apart from this, we also wanted to make use of the fact that we know much more about our own sites than google does. We know what pages presents an interesting new research paper, what organizational unit a certain member of staff works at and what date and time an upcoming event is scheduled to take place. Instead of searching for people, places, courses and events, our users should be able to see all the vital information directly in the search results.

Opening up data from KTH Social and different "entities" in our systems is one important aspect of the search solution. Another is making all of this avaliable for other services. We wanted to make sure that everything the user can consume through our search box, he or she could also consume through a rich API. This way clever students, thrifty buisnesses or other educational institutions could create mobile apps, webpages and a whole lot more, incoportaing all of the work we put into making our search solution as good as I is.

How did we do it?

What does the future hold?

Bla bla

Att ta upp

  • API
  • Entiteter
  • bättre sök
  • jobba med att underlätta att hitta
  • baserat på sök
  • meta-data