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2:nd year students - Degree project

Dear all Y2 students,

It is time to start thinking about your final degree project.

Information about Master Degree Project ¶ This information describes the programme specific process for the degree project course, and what you need to do to get started.

* YouTo apply for the Ddegree project course, by using the Degree Application Form Application for degree project (pdf)
* Are your requirements fulfilled to start the degree project?
and submit your thesis proposal, please go to Canvas.
* It is important that your KTH-email is registered in Ladok. If not, you will not be able to upload any documents in Canvas. You update your e-mail address in your Personal Menu.
* Are your requirements fulfilled to start the degree project? 60 credits for second-cycle studies must be fully completed. These 60 credits have to contain courses that are relevant to the thesis, including a course on philosophy of science and research methodology.
It will be checked by either the Master coordinator for your pthe Programme, director before Part 1 of the form will be signed.
* Depending on your major, make sure that you choose the right course code, see the course codes here: https://www.kth.se/social/program/tsedm/page/degree-project-7/
* How to find an examiner? You can contact an appropriate examiner,; alternatively, the course responsible may propose an examiner for you. A list of examiners is available at the course web page for the degree project course.
* After approval of your thesis proposal (by the programme director), Part 2 should be signed by the examiner.
* Before deadline below, make sure you get your admission approved and signatures in the form.
* 15 January is the deadline for sending your thesis proposal to the course responsible and the application form to ens-master@eecs.kth.se
10 December is the deadline to upload your draft Project Proposal in Canvas.
* 5 January is the deadline to upload your final Project proposal in Canvas.
* 15 January is the deadline to upload the Degree Application form (including the course code. See course list on the programme web). You also need to send the form to ens-master@eecs.kth.se marked “Degree project form” in the subject line.
You will then be admitted to the course code stated in the form.
* Don’t forget to web register on your course viaWeb registration in your Personal Menu, it’s open between 10 - 31 January for the degree project course.
* If you miss the deadline, we will register you to the course after we have received the form.
Best regards,
