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2:nd year students - Degree project

Dear all Y2 students,

It is time to start thinking about your final degree project.

This information describes the programme specific process for the degree project course, and what you need to do to get started.

* To apply for the degree project and submit your thesis proposal, please go to Canvas.
* It is important that your KTH-email is registered in Ladok. If not, you will not be able to upload any documents in Canvas. You update your e-mail address in your Personal Menu.
* Are your requirements fulfilled to start the degree project? 60 credits for second-cycle studies must be fully completed. These 60 credits have to contain courses that are relevant to the thesis, including a course on philosophy of science and research methodology. It will be checked by either the Master coordinator or the Programme director.
* Depending on your major, make sure that you choose the right course code, see the course codes here: https://www.kth.se/social/program/tsedm/page/degree-project-7/
* Under your course code on the Canvas page you can find the link to the application form. In the application form you will be able to download the template for the project proposal and the DiVA approval. You will also upload the completed forms there. Instructions are listed in the application.
* How to find an examiner? You can contact an appropriate examiner; alternatively, the course responsible may propose an examiner for you. A list of examiners is available at the course web page for the degree project course. Once your examiner has been confirmed you can submit the name of your examiner, i,e. not before their approval.
* After approval of your thesis proposal (byand the programme director), the formfinal examiner you will be signadmitted byto the examiner.
* 10 December is the deadline to upload your draft Project Proposal in Canvas.
* 5 January is the deadline to upload your final Project proposal in Canvas.
* 15 January is the deadline to upload the Degree Application form (including the course code. See course list on the programme web). You also need to send the form to ens-master@eecs.kth.se marked “Degree project form” in the subject line. You will then be admitted to the course code stated in the form
course code.
* If you have questions more related to your programme please contact your programme director Mihhail Matskin misha@kth.se
* 15 December is the deadline to submit the application form. This Canvas page is an information portal. It is accessible for all students before course admission and not connected to a specific course code
* Web registration in your Personal Menu, is open 108 - 31 January for the degree project course.
* If you miss the deadline, we will register you to the course after we have received the form.
Best regards,
