Based on the latest science in the area, central sustainability concepts and tools are presented, for examining how energy research, projects and policy can influence (positively or negatively) the fulfilment of each of the 169 targets in the UN's 17 goals for sustainable development.
The course focuses on the latest science to assess the relationships between research, project and policy and a broader sustainable development.
The students will in the course learn to use tools to evaluate the sustainability consequences of a specific energy project.
The course consists of lectures and practical exercises.
After passing the course, the student should be able to:
- Give an account of different interpretations of sustainability and sustainable development in relation to the most important international agreements in the area
- Give an account of relevant challenges for sustainable development in relation to specific research domains
- Critically reflecting, give an account of how the student's own research field relates to Agenda 2030 and the United Nations' (UN's) global goals for sustainable development
- Survey, explain and evaluate how an energy project relates to sustainability paradigms and contextualise this in terms of synergies and balances with the sustainability goals