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Portugal: Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon's Plasmasurf

PlasmaSurf is a summer school on plasma physics, intense lasers and nuclear fusion, tailored for BSc/MSc engineering and physics students. It is a great opportunity to get an insight into these topics with a view to a future career, or to complement your curricular training by broadening your knowledge in an exciting and forefront area of physics.


The summer school fee is 450€. This fee will cover the accommodation costs (7 nights, from Sunday to the following Sunday), breakfast and working days lunch, mid-afternoon snack & dinner as well as complementary and social activities.

Apply before 31 May. Applications must include:

  • Undergraduate Physics or Engineering diploma/certificate
  • Summary of achievements on the degree
  • Motivation letter

Learn more and apply on plasmasurf.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Summer Course Programme

The regular course covers the basics of plasma physics, high power lasers and nuclear fusion, giving students the opportunity to get in touch with a wide range of interesting and cutting-edge topics. Who knows, you may find here the idea that will become your Master or or PhD thesis!

The lectures will be offered in self-contained modules, Monday through Saturday, including some pratical lectures on remote laboratories, data analysis and computer science. Late afternoons are focused on joint/coaching activities, some involving the lecturers too.

Key topics include:

  • Introduction to Plasma Physics
  • Fundamentals of Plasma Diagnostics
  • Magnetic and inertial Nuclear Fusion
  • High power and ultrashort Lasers
  • Large international experiments involving Plasma Science

One of the main goals of the course is to promote a lively interaction between the students and lecturers during the breaks, visits and lunchtime. In addition to the lectures, there will be plenty of outdoor activities - including surfing!

PlasmaSurf is organised by Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, a research unit of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.