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Attitude Determination and Control System of a CubeSat in Suborbital Flight

Masters Thesis Presentation

Tid: Må 2020-12-07 kl 13.15

Plats: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/66976568431

Medverkande: Joan Jordi Boldu O Farrill Treviño

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The Bistable Boom Dynamic Deployment (B2D2) experiment aims to successfully demonstrate the deployment of a 2 meter self-deployable boom in order to offer an efficient alternative for small satellites to conduct higher qualitymagnetic field measurements. The boom will be placed in a free falling unit,following the CubeSat standard. To obtain reliable results from the deploy-ment, the tumbling rate of the free falling unit must be reduced to acceptablelevels. Furthermore, 2 cameras located in the free falling unit will record theboom deployment, meaning that they will need to be pointed in the oppositedirection of the sun vector to obtain optimal results.To meet this requirements an Attitude Determination and Control System(ADCS) is needed. In this thesis the design, implementation and testing ofthe ADCS is presented. For B2D2 experiment the ADCS has been developedusing a feedback loop where 3 reaction wheels are used to control the orien-tation. Moreover, the attitude will be determined by means of 5 coarse sunsensors, a three axis magnetometer and a gyroscope. The attitude is estimatedin 2 stages: first a deterministic approach computes the instantaneous attitudeand the result is then complemented with an multiplicative extended Kalmanfilter. Finally, a non-linear control law is implemented to command the actua-tors and close the loop.