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Plasma instrumentation at the IWF: SMILE, Comet Interceptor, BepiColombo and more


Tid: To 2024-02-22 kl 13.15

Plats: Sten Velander

Videolänk: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/3575907732

Språk: English

Medverkande: Gabriel Giono

Exportera till kalender

The Institut für Weltraumforschung (IWF) in Graz, Austria, has been developing space instruments for more than 50 years. Besides its known magnetometers, the institute has provided other instrumental contributions to a number of space plasma physics mission in the recent years. This talk will present four projects where the IWF is involved: (1) the Soft X-ray imager onboard the ESA/CAS SMILE mission, (2) the MANiaC mass spectrometer onboard the ESA Comet Interceptor mission, (3) the APEX instrument to be flown on the ESA REXUS rocket program, and finally (4) the PICAM ion camera onboard the ESA BepiColombo mission. A deeper presentation of PICAM will be provided, including its operating modes and calibration challenges.