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Questions and answers about the student workshop

Q: Is it a research lab?
A: No, it is an education environment.

Q: Is it reserved to space research projects?
A: No, the student workshop is open to all KTH students. Students
in regular courses have a priority, followed by project
courses, student associations and private projects

Q: When was the student workshop initiated?
A: the student workshop was established in 2013 by dedicated
investment from the KTH president.

Q: How is the student workshop safety handled?
A: there is extensive introduction to the lab, and even
more so to the hazardous equipment. The safety work is
constantly being improved. Research Engineer Joan Stude is lab responsible,
focusing on safety among other things.

Q: What is the staff situation?
A: operations of the student workshop are handled by the
student responsible Anton Wallberg.

Safety work is led by Joan Stude

Professor Nickolay Ivchenko is the senior responsible for the student workshop. He has led the development of the worshop since the very beginning.

Q: Where can i find information about the student workshop?
A: In addition to the information on the webbpage you are just reading,
the student workshop is advertised to 1st and 2nd year
CELTE students in their Electroproject (part 1 and
part 2) courses, together with Elab.

Any KTH student can reach out to the student workshop by sending an email to ivchenko@kth.se.

Q: It is part of Elab, right?
A: Elab is a student association, governed by the students
completely. Student workshop is run by the school. There
is a good collaboration between the two entities, but they
are separate.

Q: Is it a 9-17 activity?
A: The student workshop is open 24/7. No solitary work is allowed,
other than that there are no limitations.

Q: Are there nice study places in student workshop, where
students can take a coffee or have a lunch?

A: food and drink are forbidden in the workshop. However,
there is a fikarum shared with Elab. There is a meeting
corner in the student workshop for spontaneous meetings
and/or work with computer etc.

Q: It is "just a maker space" (a couple of 3D printers), right?
A: No, much more. See the facilities &equipment under subsection "In the workshop".

Q: Who uses it, anyway?
A: Two large project courses EH1010 and EN1020 put the
practical work in the student workshop. Elab could offer
places as well, so often both entities are very busy when
the groups are in the building phase. None of them would
be able to handle it on its own. Students from a number of
other courses use the facilities, as do people from AESIR
rocketry association, MIST student satellite, REXUS projects,
multiple UAV projects, etc, as do students in their BSc, MSc,
and PhD projects.

Q: Is there a payment?
A: the use is free of charge. The material is to be procured
independently; some material is available for self-cost price.
Courses are not charged for the use of the student workshop, to
avoid negative economic incentive that might lead to excluding
practical elements in courses.

Q: What is the vision of the student workshop?
A: the vision is to be an integral part of laborative
environments open to KTH students, offering access to a
range of electronics and mechanical processes. Together
with Elab and Mentor space it is our hope to continue
helping students to acquire practical engineering skills
and to realize their projects.