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Dorte Mandrup: "Move/Play/Learn" (May 8)

Gästföreläsning av den danska arkitekten Dorte Mandrup, med underrubriken "buildings for children and youth... education from 0 - 30". Föreläsningen hålls på engelska och ackompanjeras av torsdagsbar med servering på Arkitekturskolan innergård.

Tid: To 2014-05-08 kl 18.00

Plats: KTH Arkitekturskolan, Östermalmsgatan 26, Stockholm

Exportera till kalender

Dorte Mandrup Arkitekters ombyggnad av Munkegaardsskolen, ursprungligen ritad av Arne Jacobsen 1957.

As founder and owner of Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter  and as a former employee of Henning Larsen, Dorte Mandrup has 20 years of professional experience in arcihtecture. Her ability to cut to the core of a problem is recognized and used in international jury contexts, as a lecturer and as professor – she has served as an Associate Professor with the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and was recently invited as Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Univerity of Washington Department of Architecture. Among other professional appointments, she is a board member at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and appointed member of The Historic Buildings Council  under the Act of the Danish Ministry of Culture, on Building Preservation and conservation of buildings and urban environments.

Dorte Mandrup has been awarded numerous national and international awards. Among them the Bauwelt Prize, Architectural Review's Award for Emerging Architecture's Honourable Mentions – and the prestigious C.F. Hansen medal, awarded once a year by the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts for outstanding contributions to architecture.  

Föreläsningen hålls på engelska och är öppen för allmänheten, samt ackompanjeras av Arkitektursektionens torsdagsbar.

Arrangeras av KTH Arkitekturskolan .