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Alumni of the Year live stream in Zurich

Peter Arvai - the founder of Prezi - will be named KTH Alumnus of the Year 2015. Join the KTH Switzerland Alumni Chapter when we watch his presentation and ceremony in Zurich.

Tid: Ti 2015-11-24 kl 17.45 - 18.45

Plats: Stamford Consultants, Limmatquai 2, Zurich 8001 (on Bellevue)

Medverkande: Peter Arvai

Exportera till kalender

On November 24th KTH is awarding the Alumnus of the Year prize to Peter Arvai. In Zurich, we will also have a get together to celebrate this event. The ceremony and Peter's talk 'Creativity trumps experience' will be live streamed to our event at the office of Stamford Consultants. Peter Arvai is an entrepreneur most well-known as founder and CEO of Prezi, the very popular presentation software.

Register for the event here

We look forward seeing you.

Fredrik Samanta KTH Switzerland Alumni Chapter

Want to know more about the Alumnus of the Year? Read KTH's exclusive interview with Peter Arvai .