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Lunch @ FIKA in New York

Peter Arvai - the founder of Prezi - will be named KTH Alumnus of the Year 2015. Join the KTH New York Alumni Chapter when we watch his presentation and ceremony while having a typically Swedish lunch.

Tid: Ti 2015-11-24 kl 11.30 - 13.30

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On November 24th, successful entrepreneur and alumnus from the MSc in Media Technology programme Peter Arvai will be named KTH Alumnus of the Year. The award ceremony, presentation and panel discussion will take place on the KTH Campus but also live streamed across the globe.

KTH NYC Chapter therefore invites all alumni in New York to join them for a lunch and viewing of the programme direct from Stockholm.

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Peter Arvai is the co-founder of the presentation software Prezi and he also sstarted the site Omvard.se.

"Peter Arvai utvecklar hela tiden nya sätt att tänka och gör onlinevärlden mer öppen till gagn för alla medborgare. Som chef och entreprenör uppvisar han nya sätt att se på ledarskap med sin horisontella karriärsstege."