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Robots at your service

The Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce (SSCC) has the pleasure of inviting KTH alumni to a seminar with focus on robots in the service of mankind.

Tid: To 2017-02-09 kl 18.00

Plats: Haus zum Rüden, Limmatquai 42, 8001 Zurich

Medverkande: KTH Prof. Danica Kragic, KTH Prof. Joakim Gustafson, ETH Prof. Roland Siegwart

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Recent technological advancement has marked the entry of robots into our everyday lives. As our daily activities shift from day to day, robots need to be flexible and cannot be preprogrammed. In order to interact with humans, robots need to be equipped with social, cognitive, and communicative skills. To function in many fields, such as in healthcare and education, robots also need to be able to interpret/translate a person’s emotional state by observing movement and speech. Social robotics will be a technological leap that will change our lives.
Welcome to a popular science lecture on robots in the service of mankind. We will present the general development within the field as well as gains and potential obstacles associated with robots in society. 


Prof. Danica Kragic Jensfelt
Professor Danica Kragic Jensfelt is Vice Dean of the School of Computer Science & Communication at KTH and Director of the KTH Centre for Autonomous Systems. She completed her PhD in computer science at KTH in 2001. Danica’s main research focus is on robotics, computer vision and machine learning. She has received numerous awards and is a member of the board of FAM AB.

Prof. Joakim Gustafson
Joakim Gustafson, is a Professor in Speech Technology at KTH and head of the speech group at KTH. He has a background from TeliaSonera where he, in addition to research, also was involved in the launch of commercial speech applications. Joakim studied Electrical Engineering at KTH and has a PhD in Speech Communication from 2002. One of his latest projects is a partnership with Wikipedia to create a speech synthesis platform for the visually impaired.

Prof. Roland Siegwart
Roland Siegwart is professor for autonomous mobile robots at ETH and co-director of the Wyss Zurich. He studied engineering at ETH, spent ten years as professor at EPFL, was Vice President of ETH and co-founder of half a dozen spin-off companies. Roland’s interests are in the design and navigation of wheeled, walking and flying robots operating in complex and highly dynamical environments.


18:00 - 18:30        Registration
18:30 - 18:35        Welcome speech by Eva Fiorenzoni, SSCC
18:35 - 18:40        Introduction speech by Prof. Campagna, Swiss
                              Academies of Arts and Sciences
18:40 - 19:20        Presentation by Prof. Kragic Jensfelt and Prof. Joakim
19:20 - 19:40        Presentation by Prof. Roland Siegwart
19:40 - 20:00        Q&A
20:00 - 21:30        Apéro Riche

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Sign up for the event here

Participation fee: CHF 60

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