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Swedish Business for a Sustainable Future - Challenges and Opportunities

Join Professor Göran Finnveden, KTH Vice President (Sustainable development) for a panel discussion and networking event in Shanghai.

Tid: To 2016-05-26 kl 19.00 - 21.00

Plats: At Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xuhui Campus, venue TBA

Medverkande: Professor Göran Finnveden, KTH Vice President (Sustainable development)

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'So what do we do now after the Paris Conference?'

The world needs to become more Green and Sustainable. How can Swedish companies play a role in this? Are Swedish companies really on the forefront of sustainable development?

Come and listen to how leading Swedish companies work with questions about sustainability from their own perspectives.

How to register:

Please register by sending an email to Jonas Sedin (jonassed@kth.se). In the email please give your name, details of your course/programme at KTH and when you studied at KTH.

Bring your business card to the event for your chance to win a prize.