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Swedish Film Friday in Turkey

Bikes vs. Cars

Tid: Fr 2018-04-20 kl 17.00

Plats: Hacettepe University Sihhiye Campus Culture Center, Red Hall

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Embassy of Sweden in Ankara and Swedish Alumni Network Turkey Ankara Chapter invites you to Swedish Film Screenings in Ankara.

Free entrance

Plot summary : The bicycle, an amazing tool for change. Activists and cities all over the world are moving towards a new system. But will the economic powers allow it? Climate change and never-ending gridlocks frustrate people more than ever. Instead of whining, people in cities around the world take on the bicycle as a Do It Yourself solution. Road rage and poor city planning creates daily death amongst the bicyclists. And now they demand safe lanes.

Director : Fredrik Gertten

Producer : Margarete Jangård och Elin Kamlert

2015, 90 minutes

Language: Swedish with Turkish subtitles

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