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Light festival

Nobel Week Lights illuminate Stockholm in December! Every year, artists and engineers collaborate to light up the city in new colors! The light festival is happening in Stockholm, and everyone must see these incredible installations with a warm drink in their hand!

the earth nobel week lights
The illuminated Earth contrasts with baroque

Together with Raygo and Rafael, we decided to explore art installations in Stockholm with new eyes. The artwork “GAIA” took our breath away! The illuminated earth focuses on inspiring awe of our planet and raising environmental awareness. This art masterpiece can be found in the King’s castle! Can you believe that?!

I guess the scale of it makes you stop for a second and drop your jaw, especially when you are right under this illuminated installation. Well, Raygo wanted to stay as he was so mesmerized by it.

under the bridge quote
Quote under the bridge

While we were wandering around, quotes from Nobel Prize laureates would pop up and surprise us with interesting thoughts. The projections could be found under bridges and other hidden places. You could almost play a game finding as many quotes as possible scattered around the city!

This quote under the bridge was illuminated by warm street lights. Thanks to this installation, lights unveiled a forgotten space that was overlooked by many of us.

light within and against art installation
“Within & Against” collaboration with KTH students

Students from Light Design at KTH collaborated with artists and set up several installations like the one above! “Within & Against” consists of many installations along the Serafimerstranden coastline. I love that they worked with the existing things on site and created “a conversation” between old and new!

rafael raygo group photo
Here all of them are freezing their noses.

Rafael and Raygo got their professional cameras out, and we felt like tourists again! Even though we were freezing, doing jumping jacks in the street was quite amusing. For the people looking at us as well…

city hall nobel week lights
The lights on the City hall

The artwork “Conscience” projected on the facade of the city hall is the grandest of all… It is a series of mesmerizing moving pictures creating a captivating story!

If you would like to see more, Samantha has shared more photos of the Nobel Week lights festival on Instagram!
