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Exams at KTH

Now that the school period is almost over until next year, I’d like to share more about my exams at KTH.  First of all, I have to say that type of exams can differ from school to school, and even between programmes that belong to the same school. Here I’m going to talk mostly about … Continue reading “Exams at KTH”

Diploma Days at the Architecture School

The academic year is coming to a close. The days are warm, the sun is shining and all of KTH is looking forward to the summertime. For most students this means a lot of hard work, late nights and final exams. Although this exam-time is tough, the relief is so sweet once you finish. In … Continue reading “Diploma Days at the Architecture School”

Celebrating this year’s student ambassadors — and how you can apply to be one

This week marks the end of the 2021-2022 academic year! The exam period and master thesis presentation weeks are wrapping up. For the international student ambassadors, it has also marked the end of their duties for KTH. To celebrate, our supervisors treated the student ambassadors to a farewell dinner evening and a boules tournament.  Did … Continue reading “Celebrating this year’s student ambassadors — and how you can apply to be one”

Post for the ones who didn’t get the SI scholarship

Last week, the Swedish Institute published the successful recipients of the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals. First of all, congrats to all the winners, particularly those who will start their journey at KTH later this year! Your Swedish adventure is about to begin, and this is truly very exciting.  However, I’d like to address … Continue reading “Post for the ones who didn’t get the SI scholarship”

Newly Admitted to KTH? Check out these upcoming events

Today is the day! Admissions results were officially sent out this afternoon. To those of you who have been admitted, congratulations!  To those who weren’t, I hope you have other paths for personal growth to look forward to. I pursued other interests and short term jobs between my bachelor’s and master’s studies; sometimes extra time … Continue reading “Newly Admitted to KTH? Check out these upcoming events”

Admission Results are out today!

After all the waiting, the researching and the applying, now at last the time has come. The admission results arrive today!  Thinking back to when I got my admission results email, I remember it as one of those important life-change moments. For me, it was in April of 2020 and the pandemic had just hit. … Continue reading “Admission Results are out today!”