Hej, it’s Raygo here again! When talking about Sweden, people always think of sustainability and environmental protection as the country has a long history of development in these areas. The former is also one of the key pillars of KTH, where the UN sustainability goals are the priority of our school in almost every aspect. … Continue reading “My green living style in Stockholm”
As some may know, this year marks the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27). And the main venue is in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 8 November to 17 November. KTH Climate Action Centre is also collaborating with We Don’t Have Time to host a hub on campus (Vallahallavägen 79), … Continue reading “Support COP27 on campus!”
The time has come for me to wish you lycka till and say hej då! I have completed my MSc programme in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design and am looking forward to the next chapter of my career. This also means that new international student bloggers will be taking over soon, so stay tuned to … Continue reading “Farewell!”
While many of you are (or are soon to be) in the arrival process to Sweden, I’ve recently arrived in the US for a brief visit home. ‘Home’ for me is a small town of about 10,000 people on the west coast of Michigan. Since arriving, I’ve admittedly experienced a bit of reverse culture shock. … Continue reading “New country, new normals & plenty to learn”
As a master’s student in sustainable urban planning and design, I’ve spent a lot of time exploring how cities can enable sustainable living. Measures to achieve this are infinite, spanning sectors and requiring varying degrees of investment and expertise. But there are also many small solutions which are pretty simple. The Swedish loppis is a … Continue reading “The Swedish loppis”
I often tell you about leisure activities and fun things to do in Stockholm in my blog, but I haven’t shared much about my studies yet. Time to fix that and tell you more about my study experience at KTH. My programme is called Media Management. It focuses on developing and marketing media products and … Continue reading “My study life at KTH “