Ahlstedt |
Caroline |
Operations controller |
carro@kth.se |
+46 8 790 67 80 |
Alm Arvidsson |
Andreas |
Educational admin manager |
andreas.alm.arvidsson@itm.kth.se |
+46 8 790 91 60 |
Baysal |
Gülten |
Third cycle education officer |
gulten@kth.se |
+46 8 790 65 54 |
Bicén |
Eray Ibrahim |
Study counsellor |
eibicen@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 25 |
Borgerot |
Patrick |
Finacial officer |
pborge@kth.se |
+46 8 790 76 37 |
Brandt |
Zippy |
Record manager |
zippy@kth.se |
+46 8 790 94 57 |
Brunn |
Carina |
Head of unit/vice edu manager |
carinas@kth.se |
+46 8 790 96 43 |
Carlsson |
Christina |
Head of administration |
christina.carlsson@itm.kth.se |
+46 8 790 76 62 |
Case |
Vanessa |
Studievägledare |
vcase@kth.se |
Dannemann |
Sara |
Assistent |
saradann@kth.se |
+46 8 790 76 72 |
Gilbertsson |
Erika |
Operations controller |
erikagi@kth.se |
+46 8 790 68 13 |
Giles |
Leon |
Educational administrator |
lgiles@kth.se |
+46 8 790 72 45 |
Gorgén |
Karin |
Study counsellor |
kgorgen@kth.se |
+46 8 790 96 42 |
Granberg |
Ann-Sofie |
Educational officer |
annsofie@kth.se |
+46 8 790 81 88 |
Hansén |
Rebecca |
Educational administrator |
rehansen@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 06 |
Hollbrink |
Jenni |
Communication manager |
hollb@kth.se |
+46 8 790 97 74 |
Hörnell |
Måns |
Caretaker |
manshor@kth.se |
+46 8 790 94 78 |
Jogenstedt |
Ann-Sofie |
Third cycle education admin |
joge@kth.se |
+46 8 790 74 45 |
Juszkiewicz |
Marzenna |
Study counsellor |
marzenna@kth.se |
+46 8 790 90 19 |
Kaller |
Sofia |
Operations controller |
skaller@kth.se |
+46 8 790 43 07 |
Karaca |
Lisa |
Receptionict |
lkaraca@kth.se |
+46 8 790 84 18 |
Karlsson |
Mårten |
Caretaker |
martenk@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 46 |
Kollberg Lagerström |
Petter |
Caretaker |
petkl@kth.se |
+46 8 790 94 62 |
Lahmar Boström |
Isa |
Educational administrator |
isalb@kth.se |
+46 8 790 90 37 |
Landeby |
Johanna |
Service assistant |
landeby@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 52 |
Larsson |
Maria |
Educational officer |
lmsundin@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 19 |
Larsson |
Linda |
Educational officer |
linda.larsson@itm.kth.se |
+46 8 790 87 46 |
Larsson |
Annika |
Administratör |
annila@kth.se |
+46 8 790 96 23 |
Leinervall |
Kim |
Student councellor |
kimlei@kth.se |
+46 8 790 96 40 |
Lilja |
Annika |
Head of service unit |
anlil@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 66 |
Lind |
Theresia |
Study counsellor |
therlind@kth.se |
+46 8 790 76 29 |
Lindholm |
Christoffer |
Caretaker |
chlindh@kth.se |
+46 8 790 93 55 |
Löfgren |
Jeanette |
Educational administrator |
jlo@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 08 |
Matz |
Jessica |
Operations controller |
jmatz@kth.se |
+46 8 790 94 95 |
Melin |
Karin |
Study counsellor |
kmeli@kth.se |
+46 8 790 76 06 |
Mladenovic Tapper |
Carina |
Service assistant |
carinamt@kth.se |
+46 8 790 94 12 |
Nielsen |
Karina |
Educational officer |
karina.nielsen@itm.kth.se |
+46 8 790 96 47 |
Norell |
Sofia |
Educational officer |
sknorell@kth.se |
+46 8 790 96 18 |
Parosh |
Paiman |
Study counsellor |
paiman@kth.se |
+46 8 790 86 50 |
Radonja |
Helena |
Educational officer |
helenard@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 09 |
Rovanperä |
Erik |
Caretaker |
erikrov@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 54 |
Sahlström |
Henrik |
Head of unit |
henrik.sahlstrom@itm.kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 11 |
Skymberg |
Michelle |
Study counsellor |
micem@kth.se |
+46 8 790 71 71 |
St Clair Maitland |
Rita |
Study counsellor |
ritascm@kth.se |
+46 8 790 94 49 |
Törnblom Monstein |
Linda Marie |
Educational administrator |
lmtm@kth.se |
+46 8 790 96 53 |
Vikström |
Pia |
Educational officer |
piav@kth.se |
+46 8 790 62 65 |
Wallin |
Maria |
Service assistent |
wallin5@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 30 |
Werner Sundén |
Eva |
Operations controller |
esunden@kth.se |
+46 8 790 62 54 |
Ylitalo-Qvarfordt |
Anneli |
Operations controller |
aqva@kth.se |
+46 8 790 76 16 |