Application for extra examination session
Fill in the form on this page to apply for an extra examination session. This possibility is for you who are near the end of your studies and need one last passed examination. Please note that you must fulfil all the listed requirements in order to get your request approved.
The application can be granted if all the following conditions are met:
- Your degree project is marked as completed in Ladok.
- You have applied at the right time (see application times below).
- You have been examined with a failed result on the last two examination sessions.
- The current exam is the final exam you have left before you can apply for the degree certificate.
- You have not previously been granted an extra examination session.
The school offering the course must organize the examination within one month from the date of the decision. The examination date within this month is determined after consultation with the student. The school has the right to coordinate several requested examinations into one occasion.