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Through examination you show that you have fulfilled a course's intended learning outcomes, for example through an exam or project task. Here you can read bout how to register for an exam, where to find information about your course's examination, the different types of examinations and the rules that apply.

Register for exam period 3 by 19 February

Register for exams in exam period 3 by 19 February. Don't forget to confirm your registration - confirmed exams are displayed under "Signed up".

Valid photo ID is required when you take an exam

Don't forget to bring a valid photo ID when you write an exam! To write an exam, you must be able to show an acceptable form of identification.

Acceptable forms of identification at KTH

Mandatory registration for exams

For exams during exam periods and for less extensive exams such as quizzes, you must register via Ladok, under the heading Examinations.
Don't forget to confirm your registration - once the exam is confirmed, it will appear under the tab Signed up.

Register via Ladok

Exam periods and registration dates

If you have any problems registering for your exam in Ladok, please contact the student desk office for your course before the registration period closes.

Student desk offices

If you have not registered for the exam on time

It is not possible to re-register for an exam if you have forgotten to register. However, if you are taking a written, but not digital, on-campus exam and have not registered in time, you may be allowed to take the exam if space is available. You may be let in at the first admission if the exam room is not full from the start or at the second admission, half an hour after the start, if someone who has registered does not show up.

You then need to show a valid course registration transcript in printed form to the invigilator. Note that digital transcripts do not apply in this case. The easiest way to obtain a course registration transcript is to print it via Ladok here: Create registration transcripts
You can also obtain a course registration transcript from the student desk office where the course is given: Student desk offices

If you are a Funka student and are going to take the exam in one of Funka's examination halls, you must always register on time. If you have not registered in time, it is not possible to write your exam in Funka's halls, but then you need to go to the regular hall and see if there is space. In that case, you may write the exam without support.

Room allocation for your exam

The room allocation email is usually sent five days before the exam and no later than the day before. If you haven't received an email, check the following:

  • You must be registered for the exam to receive a room allocation email.
  • The email is sent to your KTH address. Please check your KTH address and other possible address you might have set email forwarding to, including the Junk mail folder. The email's subject is ”Salsplacering / room allocation [date]” and the sender is Please note that automatically forwarded e-mails might not reach the e-mail address it is forwarded to.
    Forwarding e-mail

If you have not received a room allocation email or have any further questions, please contact the student desk office . You can also visit KTH Entré  or email  if you have not received a room allocation email.

Examination rules

Here you can read about the rules and regulations that apply to examinations at KTH.

Examination rules

Find past exams for a course

There are often old exams in course rooms in Canvas. If you want to see more examples of previous exams used for a course, you can contact the student desk office for the course.

Student desk offices

About course examination

Your education at KTH is divided into courses that are examined separately. The courses are in turn usually divided into examination parts. The examination is designed to cover all intended learning outcomes.

You will receive information about which type of examination applies from the examiner at the start of the course, for example in Canvas or the course memo. Find course memos and your course's intended learning outcomes in the course and programme catalogue here: Search course

Your courses may have different ways of being examined. Some courses end with a written or oral exam while other courses are examined through an assignment or project. Below you will find the most common types of examination at KTH.

Written exams

A written examination means that you take your exam in writing in an exam hall. The exam is supervised and you have a set amount of time to complete it. You are often allowed to bring certain aids with you, such as pens and calculators.

Scanned exams you have written can be found in Canvas  or here: Written exams

Digital exams

Digital exams can be conducted in a variety of ways, both on campus in a computer lab or using your own computer on or off campus.

Examination in computer rooms

Examination in a computer room works in much the same way as a traditional written exam, but you write and submit your answers on a computer instead of on paper.

Examination in computer rooms

Handing in handwritten exams in Canvas

For some exams on campus, home exams or assignments, handwritten text needs to be digitised. Read more about how to do it here.

Handing in handwritten exams in Canvas

Take-home exams

A take-home exam is an unsupervised remote exam. You are given one or more tasks to solve and the exam can last several days or a few hours. Presentation can take different forms, such as text, a recording, or a model.

Oral examination

Oral examination can take place individually with a teacher or in a group with several students. It often takes the form of a discussion on the subject being examined.

Other types of examination

Other types of examination that may occur during your studies include:

  • Writing essays
  • Group projects
  • Lab sessions
  • Examination via Zoom

Examination results and grades

Here you can find what applies to the assessment and grading of examinations, such as partial exams (KS), grading scale and grade raising.

Examination results and grades

Grade raising

Review of grade

Extra examination session at the end of your education

Compensatory support during exams for those with disabilities

If you have a documented disability, you can get compensatory support during your exams via Funka. Here you can read about out what support you can get, which rules apply and how to apply.

Compensatory support during an examination from Funka

Degree project

Your education ends with a degree project in the form of an essay or report. You can read more about degree projects here.

Degree project

External examinees

KTH does not allow external examinees. External students are referred to other institutions, such as Xenter in Botkyrka.

Do you have any questions about examination?

If you have any questions about examinations and exam registration or if you need confidentiality, you can contact the student desk office for your course: Student desk offices

If you have technical problems with Canvas, Zoom or Möbius, please email