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Kategoriserade artiklar på KTHs webbplats.

Antal träffar: 2

  • [New Project] Youth Change Makers as Catalysts for a Transition to a Sustainable Circular Economy

    CATALY(C)ST: KTH joins hands with Nordic partners in an effort to speed up the transition to a Sustainable Circular Economy

  • CATALY(C)ST Youth Advisory Board

    The ambition of the Youth Advisory Group is to have at a minimum one representative from each project partner represented, representing each one of the participating countries (Island, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark). The idea of the establishment of the board is to ensure the youth perspective and voice is represented in the activities and methods that are developed as part of the CATALY(C)ST project. Further, the group will co-lead the establishment of a Nordic CATALY(C)ST Community with the focus on Circular Economy.