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Kategoriserade artiklar på KTHs webbplats.
Antal träffar: 65
The projects is vision is to connect Live-aircraft, Virtual manned aircraft simulators and Artificial/Constructive elements into everyday training of fast jet-fighter pilots.
SonicFunc: sound design methods for the digital society
Investigating sound function, aesthetics and interaction in media production to create effective sonic interaction design for everyday life.
Oral Music Theory
Music theoretical tools for performance expression within folk music.
Ethical Implications of Music Computing
Our project focuses on such ethical issues in the context of music computing, in particular which issues may arise from the use of artificial intelligence when we apply it, for instance, to automatic music composition, recommendation, production, or copyright control.
The Study of Folk Dance Traditions
The study of folk dance traditions: connecting ethnography and computational analysis.
Listening Across Disciplines II
Listening Across Disciplines II (LxDII) is a research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). It systematically investigates the potential of listening as a legitimate and reliable methodology for research across the arts and humanities, science, social science and technology.
Interaction Strategies in Improvised Jazz Duos
Jazz improvisation as a subject concerns a vast area where some of the fields are based on defined musical language skills in combination with communicative skills. A personal expression has always been and will always be the basis for artistic representation.
Increasing the Efficiency in the Creation of Procedural Audio Models for Video Games
The use of procedural audio in video games presents several benefits, especially in highly interactive environments like in VR, where haptics controllers are commonly used.
Historically Informed Sound Synthesis
Researching and re-enacting historical sound synthesis instruments from the history of electronic music in Sweden during the 1960's and 70's
SCORe: Using Sonification to COmmunicate public health Risks
Can we effectively communicate the risks of excessive alcohol consumption, to improve young people's health, though interactive media?
- Spv: Derek Holzer
Sound for Energy
Sound for Energy - Sonic Interaction Design to Support Energy Efficiency Behaviour in the Household
- Projects in Sound and Music Computing
Digital Women's Health
Digital Women’s Health is a research group bringing positive change to the design and research of digital technologies for women’s bodily transitions.
Sustainable Urban Play Environments
A large challenge today is to ensure that children have possibilities to be physically active outdoors.
- Woody the Haptic Toolkit
- Haptics and Sonification
Soma Bits
The Soma Bits are a prototyping toolkit that facilitates Soma Design. Acting as an accessible ‘sociodigital material’ Soma Bits allow designers to pair digital technologies, with their whole body and senses, as part of an iterative soma design process.
Personal Technologies For Affective Health
- Projects in Interaction Design
VR-CBT using 360-film
In this project we explore and study how we can create more efficient and available CBT treatment of Agoraphobia using 360-films as a replacement for in vivo exposure therapy.
Co-watched 360-films for Increased Wellbeing in Elderly Care
In this project we collaborate with Film Stockholm and Norrtälje municipality with the goal to increase quality of life and wellbeing in elderly care through co-watching of 360-films.
Menarche Bits
Making space for menarche experiences in sports.
Engineering the Interconnected Society
Interconnected Society: Designing future interactions between humans and autonomous agents
Smart Implicit Interaction
The “Internet of things” offers much potential in terms of automating and hiding much of the tedium of our everyday lives. It is predicted to revolutionise logistics, transportation, electricity consumption in our homes, connectivity - even the management of homes.
Designing Energy-Sensitive Interactions
In this project we look into how design can support electric vehicle drivers in managing and understanding energy consumption
I det här projektet tittar vi på hur sociala mekanismer kan leda till minska energiförbrukning i bostadsrättsföreningar.
Bringing Laughter to VR
In this project we explore if laughter is contagious through 360-films.
- Projects in Media Lab
Sweet-sounding Shop Goods
A general and applicable method for an improved working environment and fewer thefts in retail.
Sonification of Goods in Stores
A pilot study on theft prevention in retail through sound and music. The project is a collaboration between KTH, Institute of Retail Economics, Soundmark and Lidbo Music.
Nordic SMC
The Nordic Sound and Music Computing Network (NordicSMC) brings together a group of internationally leading sound and music computing researchers from all five Nordic countries, from Aalborg University (AAU), Aalto University (AALTO), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), University of Iceland (UoI), and University of Oslo (UiO).
Expressive sound-based monitoring of body motion through everyday clothes.
Adaptive Music Production
Design research aimed at finding and evaluating technical solutions that contribute to usability and musical variety in adaptive music.
Volvo Sound Studio
The Volvo Sound Studio is a collaboration between Volvo and KTH, Konstfack and University West. An interface for sound design have been presented at the major world car expos.
ESAIM - Självständiga Arbeten Som Exjobb
KMH och KTH har fått medel från Vinnova för att utveckla exjobb med musik- och ljudinriktning inom utbildningar i musik och teknik. Projektet kallas ESIAM – etablering av självständiga arbeten som exjobb inom musik och teknik.
Active Listening with the Music Puzzle
The Music Puzzle is a game where the aim is to reconstruct a music performance from small segments that are shifted in pitch and filtered. The game targets hearing impaired persons in order to train listening skills.
HabitWise - Creating Sustainable Everyday Habits
Decreased CO2-emissions in flight-intensive organisations: from data to practice.
Smart storage solutions in the fridge of the future to reduce food waste.
Designing digital technologies for supporting energy-related behavior change in the kitchen.
Homo Colossus
From Homo Sapiens to Homo Colossus: Visualising our energy footprint
Event Horizon
Beyond the event horizon: tools to explore local energy transformations
Food Review
A systematic review of the scientific literature on digital interventions for more sustainable food consumption behaviour.
Digital Stewardship
Digital Stewardship: Infrastructuring Waste Management Through Digital Platforms This project will study, design and develop the integration of digital platforms and sensor technologies to support people to collectively act to care for the environment. We call this collective work ‘Digital Stewardship’.
Quality Development Using Text Analysis Tools on Course Reflections
In this project we will investigate how student course reflections can be analysed automatically or semi-automatically, using sentiment analysis and text analysis tools in order to both detect problems in courses, for driving quality development, and to evaluate if students’ perceptions of courses change when courses are modified.
Transparent algorithms in insurance (TALFÖR)
Decisions taken by machines can increase productivity and competitiveness as well as compensate for flaws in human decision-making. However, they also bring about some new and challenging problems. Creating more transparent algorithms is not only an interesting research area, but also a necessity to take full advantage of digitization.
- Projects
The Harmony of Noise
The project concerns developing a notation system for pitch-based, sound-based and spatialized music in an attempt to bridge the gap between acoustic and electronic music, also working towards the possibility of a holistic system for algorithmic composition based on music representation.
Data Driven Learning
By using Learning Analytics on e.g. click and log data from real courses we can statistically determine the impact of various methods, designs and strategies, such as Mindset and Self-Regulated Learning.
Co-design of e-health services accessible to users with disabilities
The Radio Sound Studio
Developing novel digital sound design tools through the modelling of historical sound effects.
Robust Non-Verbal Expression in Virtual Agents and Humanoid Robots: New Methods for Augmenting Stylized Gestures with Sound
- Spv: Olof Misgeld
- Spv: Torbjörn Gulz
- Haptic Group Work Tools
- Haptics in Clinical Settings
- Precious Keys
OneLearns - Online Education for Leaders in Nutrition and Sustainability
The overall aim of OneLearns is to increase awareness of the potential of online education and use it to increase digital health literacy and promote the global sustainability goals. We are targeting government officials and actors in the civil society organisations (such as NGOs) in Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Kenya who hold a position with a mandate to bring about change.
Sound Forest
Sound Forest is a collaborative research project carried out between Sound and Music Computing at KTH and the Swedish Museum of Performing Arts (Scenkonstmuseet) in Stockholm.
Planning with Youth
Planning with youth: a tool and a framework for an engaging, meaningful and forward-looking participation of youngsters in shaping attractive and sustainable living environments
Light and Dark Rhythms
Light and Dark Rhythms - Daylight and Artificial Light Qualities for the Design of Future Spaces
- Spv: Roberto Bresin
- Projects in TEL
Available Thesis Project
In Sound and Music Computing a large number of possibilities exist for students to do their thesis work