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Antal träffar: 1

  • Trapped antihydrogren: the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment at CERN

    1. Amoretti, M. et al., Production and detection of cold antihydrogen atoms. Nature 419, 456 (2002). 2. Andresen, G.B. et al., Trapped Antihydrogen, Nature, 468, 673 (2010). 3. Andresen, G. B. et al. Confinement of antihydrogen for 1,000 seconds. Nature Physics 7, 558 (2011). 4. Amole, C. et al., Resonant quantum transitions in trapped antihydrogen atoms, Nature 483, 439 (2012). 5. Amole, C. et al., Description and first application of a new technique to measure the gravitational mass of antihydrogen, Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2787 (2013)