Publications by Amir Rashid
Peer reviewed
Z. Lin et al., "A Systematic Approach to Optimize Parameters in Manufacturing Complex Lattice Structures of NiTi Using Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Process," Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 26, no. 10, 2024.
J. Holmberg et al., "Machining of additively manufactured alloy 718 in as-built and heat-treated condition : surface integrity and cutting tool wear," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 130, no. 3-4, pp. 1823-1842, 2024.
Y. Zhu et al., "Surface quality prediction in-situ monitoring system: A deep transfer learning-based regression approach with audible signal," Manufacturing Letters, vol. 41, pp. 1290-1299, 2024.
N. Salehi et al., "Towards circular manufacturing systems implementation : An integrated analysis framework for circular supply chains," Sustainable Production and Consumption, vol. 51, pp. 169-198, 2024.
M. Roci and A. Rashid, "Economic and environmental impact of circular business models : A case study of White Goods-as-a-Service using multi-method simulation modelling," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 407, 2023.
X. Zhao et al., "Effect of Scanning Strategy on Thermal Stresses and Strains during Electron Beam Melting of Inconel 625 : Experiment and Simulation," Materials, vol. 16, no. 1, 2023.
Z. Lin et al., "Influence of Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Process Parameters on Transformation Temperatures and Pseudoelasticity of Shape Memory Nickel Titanium," Advanced Engineering Materials, 2023.
L. Zeyu, S. Dadbakhsh and A. Rashid, "Developing processing windows for powder pre-heating in electron beam melting," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 83, pp. 180-191, 2022.
M. Roci et al., "Multi-method simulation modelling of circular manufacturing systems for enhanced decision-making," MethodsX, vol. 9, pp. 101709-101709, 2022.
A. Hira et al., "Shifting to Circular Manufacturing in the Global South : Challenges and Pathways," Journal of Developing Societies, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 310-335, 2022.
M. Roci et al., "Towards Circular Manufacturing Systems implementation : A Complex Adaptive Systems perspective using modelling and simulation as a quantitative analysis tool," Sustainable Production and Consumption, vol. 31, pp. 97-112, 2022.
S. Amir et al., "Towards circular economy : A guiding framework for circular supply chain implementation," Business Strategy and the Environment, 2022.
S. Kokare et al., "A comparative life cycle assessment of stretchable and rigid electronics : a case study of cardiac monitoring devices," International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2021.
M. Roci et al., "A methodological approach to design products for multiple lifecycles in the context of circular manufacturing systems," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 296, pp. 126534, 2021.
S. Shoaib-ul-Hasan et al., "Analyzing Temporal Variability in Inventory Data for Life Cycle Assessment : Implications in the Context of Circular Economy," Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 1, 2021.
X. Zhao, S. Dadbakhsh and A. Rashid, "Contouring strategies to improve the tensile properties and quality of EBM printed Inconel 625 parts," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 62, pp. 418-429, 2021.
F. Zaman and A. Rashid, "Pakistan : restore autonomy to Higher Education Commission," Nature, vol. 592, no. 7856, pp. 685-685, 2021.
X. Zhao et al., "Role of Superficial Defects and Machining Depth in Tensile Properties of Electron Beam Melting (EBM) Made Inconel 718," Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print), vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 2091-2101, 2021.
X. Zhao et al., "Role of Superficial Defects and Machining Depthin Tensile Properties of Electron Beam Melting (EBM)Made Inconel 718," Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print), 2021.
M. Lieder, F. M. Abdullah Asif and A. Rashid, "A choice behavior experiment with circular business models using machine learning and simulation modeling," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 258, 2020.
A. Rashid et al., "Advanced multi-functional coatings for vibration control of machining," Journal of Machine Engineering, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 5-23, 2020.
R. Bejjani et al., "Variations in the Surface Integrity of Ti-6Al-4V by Combinations of Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Processes," Materials, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 1-24, 2020.
S. Pervaiz et al., "A numerical and experimental study to investigate convective heat transfer and associated cutting temperature distribution in single point turning," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 94, no. 1-4, pp. 897-910, 2018.
C. Frangoudis, A. Rashid and C. M. Nicolescu, "Development and analysis of a consciously designed Joint Interface Module for improvement of a machining system's dynamic performance," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 88, no. 1-4, pp. 507-518, 2017.
S. Pervaiz et al., "Minimal quantity cooling lubrication in turning of Ti6Al4V : Influence on surface roughness, cutting force and tool wear," Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part B, journal of engineering manufacture, vol. 231, no. 9, pp. 1542-1558, 2017.
M. Lieder, F. M. A. Asif and A. Rashid, "Towards Circular Economy Implementation: An agent-based simulation approach for business model changes," Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2017.
M. Lieder et al., "Towards circular economy implementation in manufacturing systems using a multimethod simulation approach to link design and business strategy," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 93, no. 5-8, pp. 1953-1970, 2017.
S. Pervaiz et al., "An experimental investigation on effect of minimum quantity cooling lubrication (MQCL) in machining titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V)," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 87, no. 5-8, pp. 1371-1386, 2016.
Q. FU and A. Rashid, "Constraining the shear strain in viscoelastic materials and utlization of the “incompressible” properties for damping treatment in hybrid joint interface module to improve their effect for vibration control in machining," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 83, no. 5, pp. 1079-1097, 2016.
F. M. Abdullah Asif, M. Lieder and A. Rashid, "Multi-method simulation based tool to evaluate economic and environmental performance of circular product systems," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 139, pp. 1261-1281, 2016.
M. Lieder and A. Rashid, "Towards circular economy implementation : a comprehensive review in context of manufacturing industry," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 115, pp. 36-51, 2016.
P. Krajnik et al., "Transitioning to sustainable production - part III : developments and possibilities for integration of nanotechnology into material processing technologies," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 112, pp. 1156-1164, 2016.
S. Pervaiz et al., "A novel numerical modeling approach to determine the temperature distribution in the cutting tool using conjugate heat transfer (CHT) analysis," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 80, no. 5, pp. 1039-1047, 2015.
Q. Fu and A. Rashid, "Joint interface characterization method using frequency response measurements on assembled structures only : theoretical development and experimental validation on a workholding fixture for machining," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 77, no. 5-8, pp. 1213-1228, 2015.
M. Nicolescu et al., "New Paradigm in Control of Machining System’s Dynamics," Journal of Machine Engineering, vol. 15, no. 3, 2015.
S. Pervaiz et al., "Prediction of energy consumption and environmental implications for turning operation using finite element analysis," Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part B, journal of engineering manufacture, vol. 229, no. 11, 2015.
F. M. Abdullah Asif et al., "System dynamics models for decision making in product multiple lifecycles," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 101, pp. 20-33, 2015.
S. Pervaiz et al., "A coupled FE and CFD approach to predict the cutting tool temperature profile in machining," Procedia CIRP, vol. 17, pp. 750-754, 2014.
S. Pervaiz et al., "Influence of Tool Materials on Machinability of Titanium- and Nickel-Based Alloys : A Review," Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 219-252, 2014.
C. Frangoudis, C.-M. Nicolescu and A. Rashid, "Experimental Analysis of a Machining System with Adaptive Dynamic Stiffness," Journal of Machine Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 49-63, 2013.
Q. FU, A. Rashid and C. M. Nicolescu, "Improving machining performance against regenerative tool chatter through adaptive normal pressure at the tool clamping interface," Journal of Machine Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 93-105, 2013.
A. Rashid et al., "Resource Conservative Manufacturing : an essential change in business and technology paradigm for sustainable manufacturing," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 57, pp. 166-177, 2013.
F. M. A Asif et al., "Performance analysis of the closed loop supply chain," Journal of Remanufacturing, vol. 2, no. 4, 2012.
L. Daghini et al., "Active alignment chuck for ultra precision machining," Journal of Machine Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 39-48, 2011.
A. Rashid and C. M. Nicolescu, "Design and implementation of tuned viscoelastic dampers for vibration control in milling," International journal of machine tools & manufacture, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1036-1053, 2008.
A. Rashid and C. M. Nicolescu, "Active vibration control in palletised workholding system for milling," International journal of machine tools & manufacture, vol. 46, no. 12-13, pp. 1626-1636, 2006.
Conference papers
Y. Zhu et al., "Surface roughness monitoring and prediction based on audible sound signal with the comparison of statistical and automatic feature extraction methods in turning process," in euspen's 24th International Conference & Exhibition, 10th – 14th June 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 2024.
L. Zeyu, S. Dadbakhsh and A. Rashid, "Increasing precision towards NiTi lattice structure using PBF-EB," in 34th Annual Symposium: Solid Freeform Fabrication, August 14-16, 2023, Austin, Texas, United States of America, 2023.
Z. Lin et al., "Evaluating the electron beam spot size in electron beam melting machines," in Virtual Lamdamap 14th International Conference & Exhibition, 10th-11th March 2021, 2021.
L. Zeyu et al., "Evaluation of the electron beam spot size in electron beam melting for additive manufacturing," in Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XIV - 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Laser Metrology, Machine Tool, CMM and Robotic Performance, LAMDAMAP 2021, 2021, pp. 89-92.
X. Zhao, A. Rashid and S. Dadbakhsh, "Influence of Contouring and depth of machining on tensile properties of Inconel 625 made by Electron Beam Melting," in Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference : Laser Melting, Electon Beam Melting & Direct Energy Deposition Processes, 2019, pp. 118-127.
F. M. Abdullah Asif et al., "A practical ICT framework for transition to circular manufacturing systems," in Procedia CIRP, 2018, pp. 598-602.
M. Lieder et al., "An IT-platform prototype as enabler for service-based business models in manufacturing industry," in 7th Swedish Production Symposium, Lund, Sweden, 2016.
C. Frangoudis, T. Österlind and A. Rashid, "Control of milling process dynamics through a mechatronic tool holder with purposely designed Joint Interface," in 2015 10th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA), 2015.
S. Pervaiz et al., "Experimental and numerical investigation of Ti6A14V alloy machinability using TiAIN coated tools," in Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 2014, pp. 104-113.
C. Frangoudis et al., "Experimental analysis of the CNx nano-damping material’s effect on the dynamic performance of a milling process," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Technologies, 2013, pp. 293-302.
S. Pervaiz et al., "Performance evaluation of TiAlN- PVD coated inserts for machining Ti-6Al-4V under different cooling strategies," in Advanced Materials Research III, 2013, pp. 68-75.
S. Pervaiz et al., "An experimental analysis of energy consumption in milling strategies," in 2012 International Conference on Computer Systems and Industrial Informatics, ICCSII 2012, 2012, p. 6454527.
A. Melander, S. Arshad and A. Rashid, "Formability of different aluminium alloys in Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) processes," in International Deep Drawing Research Group 2012, Mumbai, 2012, 2012.
A. Rashid and M. Nicolescu, "Experimental analysis of the influence of a high dampinginterface in a machining system designed for improvingmilling process performance," in Process machine interactions : conference proceedings, 2010.
Chapters in books
S. Amir et al., "Toward a Circular Economy: A Guiding Framework for Circular Supply Chain Implementation," in Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, : Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 379-404.
P. Krajnik, F. Pusavec and A. Rashid, "Nanofluids: Properties, Applications and Sustainability Aspects in Materials Processing Technologies," in Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing, Seliger, Günther; Khraisheh, Marwan M.K.; Jawahir, I.S. Ed., Berlin Heidelberg : Springer, 2011, pp. 107-113.
Non-peer reviewed
A. Rashid, "On passive and active control of machining system dynamics : analysis and implementation," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH, Trita-IIP, 2005:09, 2005.
S. Pervaiz et al., "Machinability of Ti6Al4V using minimum quantity cooling lubrication under various oil supply rates," (Manuscript).
S. Pervaiz et al., "Minimal Quantity Cooling Lubrication (MQCL) in Turning of Ti6Al4V : Influence on Surface roughness, Cutting force and Tool Wear," (Manuscript).
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