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Artificial Composition of "Folk music"

In collaboration with Johan Hinders, singer in the krautrock band Audionom, we have explored the making of artificially composed folk music with a kraut rock vibe under the name Mimerska väven. In the project we have crawled the Swedish FolkWiki archive and used that as input for an algorithm that composes new pieces in real-time. 

The outcome of the algorithm has interesting musical qualities albeit being machine produced. However, it can be rough and brutal. We do no attempts of polishing the music in post, all releases is live recorded takes and is to be experiences as is.

We do live performaces as Algonauts of the machinery using hardware synthesizers, have released a cassette available on soundcloud, and made a remix of Sylvester Schlegels (Augusti familjen and The Ark) song "12 Timmar" avaiblable on Spotify.

The core of Mimerska väven is a program made in SuperCollider. Since we started the algorithm has grown to the extent that we barely know what it is doing anymore.