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Anis Nasir

Profilbild av Anis Nasir

Om mig

I am a final year PhD student at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. My supervisors are Šarūnas Girdzijauskas and Seif Haridi.

During the PhD, I did three internships at: Yahoo Labs Barcelona, Aalto University and IBM Research Tokyo. Prior to the PhD studies, I finished European Master in Distributed Computing from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and UPC, Polytechnic University of Catalunya. I hold a Bachelors in Computer Engineering from National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan.

My research interests revolve around designing simple and efficient algorithms (i.e., deterministic, approximation or randomized) for computationally challenging problems related to: graph processing, data streams and sliding windows, large scale distributed systems.

You can find my research statement here. Feel free to contact me, if you are looking for projects or collaboration on any of the above topics.

Recent News

  • Online version of the PhD thesis is available here.
  • I started working at King.com in the Streaming Platform Team and a Java Backend Developer.
  • Pre-print of one of the projects finished during the internship at IBM Research is available here.
  • I'll be finising the internship at IBM Research Tokyo in moving to Sweden from July.


  • M. A. U. Nasir, H. Horii, M. Serafini, N. Kourtellis, R. Rudy, S. Girdzijauskas, and T. Osogami “Load Balancing for Skewed Workloads on Heterogenous Clusters” under submission [preprint].
  • M. A. U. Nasir, A. Gionis, G. De Francisci Morales, and S. Girdzijauskas, “Fully Dynamic Algorithm for Top-k Densest Subgraphs” in CIKM ’17: 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2017 [pdf].
  • M. A. U. Nasir, G. De Francisci Morales, N. Kourtellis, and M. Serafini, “When Two Choices Are not Enough: Balancing at Scale in Distributed Stream Processing,” in ICDE ’16: 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 2016 [pdf][slides][poster].
  • M. A. U. Nasir, G. De Francisci Morales, D. García-Soriano, N. Kourtellis, and M. Serafini, “Partial Key Grouping: Load-Balanced Partitioning of Distributed Streams,” under submission [pdf].
  • M. A. U. Nasir, S. Girdzijauskas, and N. Kourtellis, “Socially-Aware Distributed Hash Tables for Decentralized Online Social Networks,” in P2P ’15: 31st IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2015 [pdf].
  • M. A. U. Nasir, G. De Francisci Morales, D. García-Soriano, N. Kourtellis, and M. Serafini, “The Power of Both Choices: Practical Load Balancing for Distributed Stream Processing Engines,” in ICDE ’15: 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 2015 [pdf][slides][poster].
  • M. A. U. Nasir, F. Rahimian, S. Girdzijauskas (2014). Gossip-based Partitioning and Replication for Online Social Networks, EEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2014) [pdf].
  • M. A. U. Nasir, M., Ali Orakzai, M., Abbas, Q., & Khan, S. A. (2010). Cognitive controller for multiple interfaces (C2MI). 2010 2nd International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering, 88–91. doi:10.1109/ICSTE.2010.5608907 [pdf].


  • I've been a reviewer for SDM 2018, WWW (2016,2017,2018), TKDE (2016, 2017, 2018), DAMI 2017 and CCGrid 2017.