Fredrik Gröndahl
Om mig
Fredrik Gröndahl is the Director of the Blue Food Seafood Centre (Blå Mat) at KTH (, its a Centre with seven academic partners and around 70 external parters from industri and the society. The Visions of the Blue Food Centre are to implement innovative circular solutions, increase the know-how and strengthen the market to create a long-term sustainable production of healthy seafood for Sweden. Fredrik Gröndahl is also the former Head of Department for Sustainable Development Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED) at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH Stockholm, Sweden. His research is focusing on the sustainable use of marine resources for food, feed, chemicals and energy. The work is focused on the development of methods for evaluating the process chains from a sustainability perspective. During the last years he have been in charge of the macro algae work in the Baltic Sea Region project SUBMARINER ( He is also the project leader of the project SEAFARM. Seafarm ( is a strategic Swedish research project for a bio-based economy, that started the cultivation of seaweeds in Swedish coastal waters for food, feed and materials. The Seafarm project was the start of swedish seaweed- and kelpcultivation in Sweden. Fredrik Gröndahl is also one of the founders of the seaweed company Nordic Seafarm ( He is also the author of several textbooks about Sustainable Development, Ecology and environmental effects as well as a number of scientific articles. Currently he is also the Chairman for KTH Water Centre (WaterCentre@KTH) and the SUBMARINER network in Berlin (
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