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Yunus Görür

Profile picture of Yunus Görür

About me

Born in Izmir, TR; I have attended TEV Inanc High School and graduated with an IB diploma. Received my BSc in Materials Science Engineering with a minor in Business Administration from Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA and my double MSc degree in Polymer Composite Materials from Lulea Technical University, Sweden and Ecole Européenne d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux (EEIGM), France. Conducted my MSc thesis studies at Swerea SICOMP on the "Surface Treatment of Softwood Lignin Based Carbon Fibers". Currently, I am a last year PhD student in the Fiber Technology Division at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, SE working in the Transparent Paper project. I specialize in the fields of cellulose nanofibers, various carbohydrate and paper chemistries along with composite materials. I have native proficiency in English language and I am highly competent in various characterization and formation methods for different materials.


Fibre Technology - Natural and Synthetic Fibres (KF2450), assistant | Course web