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Konstantinos Apostolopoulos Kalkavouras

Profile picture of Konstantinos Apostolopoulos Kalkavouras

Doctoral student



About me

As a doctoral student in Energy Technology, my research primarily focuses on decarbonizing industrial heat through thermal energy storage (TES) technologies. Currently, much of my work at KTH is conducted within the SHARP-sCO2 EU project: Solar Hybrid Air-sCO2 Power Plants (SHARP-sCO2). My main research goal is to develop innovative, cost-effective, and energy-efficient TES solutions that can support decarbonizing the energy sector and provide cleaner, more sustainable energy options. Additionally, I am investigating suitable materials and characterizing their thermophysical properties for use in TES applications.


I graduated from the school of Chemical Engineering in the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2020 and I hold an integrated master's Chemical Engineering degree with a specialization in "Functional and Multi-scale materials". I also obtained another master's degree in Sustainable Energy Engineering from KTH in 2023 and started my PhD in Energy Technology soon after.