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Mahiar Max Hamedi

Profile picture of Mahiar Max Hamedi





About me

We need to transistion our society away from fossil fuel, away from unsustainable agriculture, and proivide radical new healthcare tools and automation for the masses to move people out of poverty.

This requires radical new materials in areas like energy generation and storage, medicine and diagnostics, and robotics.

My work at KTH adresses these challenges by developing new functional materials, and devices that rely on a combination of engineered biomass (e.g., cellulose nanomaterials) with state of the art functional synthetic nanomaterials, like conducting polymers, and low-dimensional materials (e.g. MXenes,, and nanoparticles).

Some of the areas that we currently pursue are:

1.Advanced biosensors like DNA sensors that are portable and near zero-cost using materials like paper, and textile and printing and fabricate advanced micro total analysis systems.

2.Energy storage devices for beyond lithium ion batteries. We use new fabrication methods like molecular self-assembly combined with nanomaterials, like CNTs, MXenes, bio nanocarbons and more to engineer sustainable nanocomposite electrodes for the batteries of the future.

3.Nanoelectronic materials for Intelligent sytems: We develop new materials and methods to create mixed ionic electronic materials (MIECs) and understand their fundamental properties, for applications like neuromorphic computers, to  electronic actutors and sensors for robotics.

I am also an entrepreneur and some of my previous effort include: co-founder of Simplygon (global de-facto standard for interactive 3D graphics used in most video games, acquired by Microsoft), and the co-founder and chairman of </SALT> and future group, (a private upskilling company that creates jobs for young people in the software industry).


Degree Project in Engineering Chemistry, First Cycle (KA103X), examiner, course responsible, teacher, assistant | Course web

Degree Project in Fibre and Polymer Technology, Second Cycle (KF200X), examiner | Course web

Project Work in Fibre and Polymer Technology (KF2905), examiner | Course web

Project Work in Fibre and Polymer Technology (KF2910), examiner | Course web

Profile picture of Mahiar Max Hamedi