Minh Truong
Om mig
Minh Truong is a PhD student at Promobilia MoveAbility Lab, Department of Engineering Mechanics. He received his Master degree from the International Robotics Program, Tohoku University, Japan in 2020 under the full scholarship of the Japanese Goverment (MEXT). In 2017, he received this Bachelor of Control Engineering and Automation under the Honor Program from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam. He graduated as the Valedictorian of the University.
Minh's research focuses on the interaction of biomechanics, somatosensory and motor control in adults with motor disorders.His research is to answer the question of the underlying mechanisms causing such deviations in biomechanical and neurological movement strategies in persons with congenital or acquired motion disorders.
Biomekanik i människans rörelser (SM2501), assistent | Kurswebb
Mekanik I (SG1133), assistent | Kurswebb